
Should I wrap it in rubber?

Christopher Nolan now has the inspiration for the setting of his next awesome fight scene.

@BrknPheonix: I was making a joke: "Kama Sutra" is the ancient Hindu text about sex, "karma sutra" is just a pun.

@BrknPheonix: "Kama stutra"? Do you mean "karma sutra" (because life fucks you over)?


@Smelly Ferret: Colon: Vizio is a really cheap brand that used to offer cheap quality, but now offers average to good quality products. I still hate its designs, though.

@Lexicdys: Wrap it around your penis?

Call of Duty: Burnt Ops?

No honorable mention for this?

I did pretty well with my last year's resolution. I didn't have one. I think I'll stick to that this year.

@Purdueable: i thinK hE wAs very METICULOUs witH his emphasis.

How did this not make the list? *Feigned outrage*

Prostitues roasting in a building fire,

@TheSonOfKrypton: How else would you play connect the dots on a girl's back?

Slogan: "Our massagers are so good, they'll kill you then give you the best orgasm ever!"

Interesting. This is going to be a tough one. I'm definitely participating, though.

A lot of people already have iPads.