
@FriarNurgle: Well, how else would he get your personal information?

Zuck you, TIME.

"For the little ones"?

@Beef-Teeth: So you're going to us a different rubber product to make water balloons?

@Instantdad: That seems disgustingly skinny.

Pan's Labyrinth is amazing. That's first and foremost.

I'm 5'8'' and 135 pounds. Should I try this diet?

Google tracks iPhone-owners' every move . . . to eliminate them.

@battra92: It wasn't a proper noun in the forties when people first coined the term, and it shouldn't be a proper noun now.

With every update Google becomes more aware.

"Whether you like it or not, Hipsters . . ." Stop—yes, it is Hammertime, but when did "hipster" become a proper noun?

@Dogm1: Unless theprancingboar is a newspaper, there is no real irony.

@diasdiem: That's an ironic statement if ever I saw one.

It's best to avoid too many adjectives and adverbs when writing anything.

Cat Day Afternoon, starring Meow Pacino

My mathematical mind