
Like him, or not, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is an absolutely stellar album. It's one of the best of the year, and by "one of," I mean it's the best or second best album of the year.

Even today, Saved by the Bell reruns are awesome.

The good thing about Kinect is you don't even have to play it.

@commander_k: No, terrorists are as retarded as I know they they are.

@RuckingFetard: I'm pretty sure Angry Farm doesn't exist.

Terrorists are retarded. They'd do more damage with a bomb in a subway tunnel or in a huge mall (the Mall of America, for example).

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: I'd watch an Angry Birds show or movie, nothing but unintelligible squawking that puts together a more entertaining story than most of what's currently on television or the big screen.

It's like Animal Farm with awesome theme music.

@Tycho Vhargon: You're clearly the kind of person who complains about an issue without researching why it's a problem.

I'm not saying $200 isn't overpriced, but people should stop comparing the prices for internet in little-ass countries to the price for internet in the United States.

Here he comes, here comes Speed Thinker,

Considering Huckleberry Finn and Jim chose to ride a raft down the Mississippi, I think it's safe to guess where they stand.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Throwing out the term "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" for such an innocuous question as, "Is Android and ugly platform?" is pretty hyperbolic.

@kitkatklub123: iOS represents aesthetic over functionality? Really?

Most people I know who own Android phones couldn't tell you which software version they had. They'd be surprised if I told them the updates are named after desserts. Then I'd get a lot of "Why?"s afterward.

Joel, that's an awesome picture. Rosa, your photo is quite nice, too.

This is something like what I imagine the gathered Harmoniums in Kurt Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan look like.

We can just call it the T&A now, right?