
The music was way too dramatic. I love my iPhone, but that was just annoying.

I know a lot of tall people who suffer from achondroplasiaphobia, which, according to some unreliable sources, is the fear of midgets.

Providing they did a good job with the infrastructure and had a ton of awesome servers, this would have been really cool. Of course, neither of those would have happened.

Has anyone ever seen a cheetah or lion stretch before chasing down a gazelle or zebra? No.

I like "horizonscraper."

"Prldr," seriously? Use vowels!

"Woah, that's a full hurricane, all the way. Double hurricane, oh my God. It's a double hurricane all the way. Woah, that's so destructive. Woah, man. Wow. Woah. Woah! My. God! Oh my Ga-od! [weird, awestruck maniacal laugh] Oh-tah— Oh my God! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What the hell? Someone killed a Wild Thing to make that. PETWT won't be too happy.

@truthtellah: Or we can just wait for them to die; it won't take long.

@Zinger314: Or it's my Eye of Sauron speaker.

This is my sunspot speaker.

The new Arcade Fire album is really good.

Dip into it, and quit it.

@Ryan_Long: I can't send it to you as a gift, apparently, because you've already bought it.

@Ryan_Long: Click my name. Click "messages." Select "private." Type the email address. Send.