
This is the most interesting thing I've read about urine since the article about the astronauts who had the urine filter to make water. (Not that I often read about urine.)

"Put Your Kinect On a Wall, On a Stand, or On a TV" . . . or on a train or a plane or on a box, and if you're daring, but also truly caring, you can play Kinect with a lonely fox.

Ode to a Beautiful Grl

@MagicTrackpad: As I said to alex.sebenski, furless bear might not be an internet-wide meme, but I'm hoping to make it a Gizmodo staple.

@alex.sebenski: Honestly, it doesn't even have meme status.

How exactly do you show the horror that is goatse or Two Girls, One Cup or furless bear to a blind person?

@marc_unwired: I like getting dirty in bed; I don't like being dirty in bed.

"Guess what, I do. I know that one day Veronica and I are gonna to get married on top of a mountain, and there's going to be [flame-throwing] flutes playing and [flame-throwing] trombones and flowers and garlands of fresh herbs. And we will dance till the sun rises. And then our children will form a family band. And

I take showers at night anyway. I don't like lying in bed while I'm dirty.

I always knew he was the most creative Peanut.

That's not just a flame-throwing trombone, it's also a little rusty.

@pvcrisp: Eh, it's just a sticker. Lifehacker isn't promoting the sticker's statement. Lifehacker is promoting the sticker's freeness.

@Sam Edwards: It's an earthquake-proof bed, which is why I posted it in response.

Will I get sued for saying, "I am Batman"?

The content people aren't working, Cary Sherman.

I bet he got the empty shoeboxes from Phillip Shoemaker.

@njdevil: You can't get a RRoD because they changed the lights: now the rings will turn yellow if there's a problem.