
I think when you look locally that was pretty helpful. And then there were offshoot communities. It might not help if you live in a small town or a big city because then you have people say they live in London but not really.

Yeah, I am in my fourth year and entered a relationship halfway. I've gone from 112 to 150 but I dunno I really do feel my sexiest now. So maybe it's stress/happy weight cuz I went up to a D and I am crazy in love with the extra poundage on the chest.

God in heaven, I hope so. I don't want them to ever go away.

When did videogames get so complicated? Why are there death threats and women calling the police just to not be helped? This makes me have all the sadz.

Since it's opposite day...Kim's thong isn't choking her butt (been there, gurl. Respect.)

This was great article. I've steadily gained 40 pounds while getting my PhD. I know I'll lose it once I'm done but I did go up two cup sizes and for some reason have never felt sexier. It's weird.

I dunno, I used to be in this camp of not going to Mexico (except in high school) because it was dangerous until I met my boyfriend who is from there. Now it has become our go-to place when we want to get away from everything. It is about 40% cheaper and everyone is so nice. He has family there and we go visit them