
It was our production of Hamlet and our review 'What Ho, Darkie!'

Sure it wasn't Reef Blastbody?

"In 1997, the planet Eath launched the last of its deep space probes." Buck Rogers, baby!

And let's not forget that Krull was the first (I think) film for one Liam Neeson! He was one of the escaped convicts. I have no life.

"That was a great 'In Search Of…, with Leonard Nimoy, kickin' out the jams - yeah!" Sorry, I know it's not the best memory, but it did spring to mind. RIP you great poet. And director. And photographer!

I thought the same thing for FJ - I mean, they didn't find it scrawled on the side of the pyramids…

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Ah thawt ol' dude wuz cool til e bowed up own me!

Well, around about then I decided to write a response to this post. RESPONSE DEPLOYED.

Naomi Grossman deserves an Emmy (and SO much more) for what has been simply the best performance I've seen all year. She broke my heart. Pepper was morose, shy, determined, steadfast…you know, just like all other human beings. I cried.

Still sounds like "Teenage Riot" to me…not that it's a bad thing…

SO the house (rather, The House) is getting more of a personality…I'm thinking "House of Leaves, You Bastards!"