I have some first-hand experience with the Snapshot product, and it can't and won't raise your rate. It's a discount-only program, so if you drive like garbage, you just won't get a discount. The better you do, the better the discount.
I have some first-hand experience with the Snapshot product, and it can't and won't raise your rate. It's a discount-only program, so if you drive like garbage, you just won't get a discount. The better you do, the better the discount.
I have a pair of these in my jacket pockets right now, and I just won't wear them because they let too much wind through. I might as well be wearing fishnets.
I have a pair of these in my jacket pockets right now, and I just won't wear them because they let too much wind…
I agree. I feel this whole article could simply be "Carefully take the cork out and don't point at anyone, just in case"
I'm a big fan of Kraft Mac & Cheese with a healthy spray of Sriracha. If I have it, I'll add some "fancy shredded" cheese to give it some extra flavor and cheesiness.
Yeah, but what's going to get me my Hippopotamus?
And here, I thought it was going to be simply "If you're debating on buying something that won't keep you from dying, ERR on the side of not buying it."
Good to know! I had no idea that was even a thing.
So, I know a guy who once cut down a tree. The tree was standing where he wanted his fire pit to be. He probably had 5-10 bonfires on that thing, burning around the stump of the tree, still in the ground, until the stump was burned away.
Vote: SlimClip
I use my iPad on a semi-regular basis. It's a great little streaming device that allows me to watch a show/movie or play a game from the poor idea that is the comfort of by bed.
Of course it depends on the length of the trip.
When I was a kid, I had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the docs had me on Prednezone pills like twice a day for about 2 years (going on 20 years symptom-free, if you don't count me being able to crack ALL of the knuckles/joints), but I, like you, was not a fan of pills. I became a major fan of applesauce, though,…
Anyone looking for PC parts or other electronics should at least consider Newegg right now. They are doing a "Black November" price matching deal. They'll match just about any competing price for the same item anywhere else. This might be a good way to consolidate some purchases that would otherwise have to be made…
Anyone looking for PC parts or other electronics should at least consider Newegg right now. They are doing a "Black…
I don't make a ton of money, and I live in a relatively low-cost-of-living area, but ever since I first started working, I had my employers put $200 of every paycheck straight into my savings account. Then, when figuring out bills and entertainment, I only consider the remainder which ends up in my checking.
Starred for being part of The Nation. The suggestion is a good one, too, but it's mostly the shirt.
I spent an hour looking through some free alarm apps and trying them out on my iPhone. Not one of them would alarm properly if you put the phone to sleep. They would simply pop up as a notification (usually without any noise) and that was it. Given, this was some time ago, so maybe the new iOS version would make some…