I don't get it...
I don't get it...
I'm an Android user... Can I have a pity F*ck please?
It's like a Lomo, maybe a Holga, of the video world!
@liftedngifted1: +1 for the idiots reference.
"this will only end in tears"
@bluestreak: 'cause if it's a two person picnic, and you're not prone... You're doing it wrong. Table just gets in the way at that point. (not strong enough.)
@johnnyabnormal: freakin death magnet! You're like an invite to an Angela Lansbury dinner party, accept at your own risk.
"It's got a good beat, but it's hard to dance to."
@sfokevin: wingdings
want x2
@cheeze-n-razzle: just for you? Yes, yes it is.
@Yinzers Are People Too: The shop worked on Porsches exclusively, and used the drained engine oil to heat the shop. This tank had been replaced as it had a leak toward the top of the tank, and had to be chopped before it could be taken away.
@DJ Bushido: I have as well. The one I used had a leaking gas tank that I had not been informed of. So here I am cutting this old oil tank in half, with two stroke dripping down the front of my pants leg, (at this point I would like to remind everyone of the sparks that were flying) and pretty soon the fuel catches…
@ZZZYZZZ: By fixed aperture, he means that the aperture is likely to close a bit as you zoom. Very common in less expensive lenses.
CR = color reader?
I thought they tested them in German beer bars?
@blehbleh13: It's just one of those cheap Chinese knock-offs. Whadya expect?
@iansilv: Like a Volkswagen?
@bimplebean: He's just reading the cafeteria menu, and happy because it's tater-tots.