Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

Minnetonka moccasins or gtfo

Mine wears all manner of sandals. The sparklier, the better.

From your keyboard to God’s........ *ankles*?


Nope. My goddess wears sneakers.

This is why people (rightly) promote the “enthusiastic consent” standard!

I remember teaching this during training at work, and so many of the men just got looks on their faces like "I've done that before."

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.” http://ladyclever.com/culture/freezi…

PP gets such a bad rap! Yes. They murder babies. Yes. They pull them out kicking and alive and chop them up for parts with no anesthesia. And YES they then sell those parts to satanic cults for rituals or to science to create animal human hybrids for bestiality purposes.

Yeah, cuz we totally could have wrapped up the Iraq war right on Rumsfeld’s schedule had we not been such pussies about civilian casualties and just taught those heathen ingrates to say “acceptible collatoral damage” in Iraqistani or whatever the hell they speak over there.

It’s kind of like saying “When I’m president, I’ll be different! I will bomb the bad guys and protect the good guys. Also, I will do helpful things instead of unhelpful things.”

which is particularly troubling because we aren’t that concerned with civilian causalities to begin with

Sadly, I think a lot of the GOP frontrunners are calling for the U.S. military to be less concerned with civilian casualties and drop more shit even if there’s even a hint of a rumor that an ISIS member may be in a given house. Which of course would result in more civilian deaths, which in turn helps ISIS with its

Obama recently did an interview with NPR where he talked about the fact that all the candidates (except Lindsey Graham, RIP, you drunk warmongering southern belle) just keep saying we should bomb ISIS “more.” And he quite astutely pointed out that we are already bombing ISIS as much as our intelligence permits -

Oh my god he just tweeted “.@RinglingBros is retiring their elephants— the circus will never be the same.”

Whenever I hear they want to return America to its roots, I’m like you want to give it back to us? The People who lived here first?

Nope they would say Obama used HAARP to control the weather and strike Trump with lightening.

Between this and his attempt to appeal to the key pro-traumatic-brain-injury crowd, dude is REALLY consolidating his base of support, a broad coalition of the most repellent dregs of humanity, scraped like so much fungus from under the rock of society.

Sure, man. His entire life is a long con.

I think that is like leaving boxes on the curb, they are advertising what someone can steal when the owner is away.