Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

(Warning - Anger/Vent session) A-fucking-greed. I mean FFS, the idiot is taking a metaphorical *shit* on these sacred places (as well as all the cultures/people who revere & respect them).

This is amazing news!! Such a big step for her and I’m sure there is much more to come.

Justin Bieber reminds me of that guy in a horror film that is so annoying that he is brutally murdered very early on and everyone in the audience is secretly relieved.

Yeah, that right there. That's what I wanted to do. With some high fiving of the other parents who would be sitting there all confused. Go Liz! Express my joy!

YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for all of you!!!

Guys, big news this week with my kid. The other night I felt like poo after they had dance class, so I decided to take the kids to McDonald’s to avoid cooking and give myself a chance to just sit (that sound you hear in the distance is one of Food Babe’s neck veins exploding).

Seeing the words “drunk” and “Justin Bieber” in conjunction, all I can picture is him looking in the mirror at those terrible tattoos and sobbing, inebriatedly, “What did I do to myself? What did I do?”

Ugh. At least with Biebz we can say, “Well look he’s been famous since he was 12, a nervous breakdown is clearly imminent, etc”. With Ted Cruz, there are absolutely no excuses.

And can you imagine Bieber’s “thug-lite” versions of ancient Egyptian outfits?

It’s a shame it didn’t happen in Egypt. Tut’s spirit would have a field day.

him and Ted Cruz...

Might be a bit difficult to differentiate entitled bad boy schtick from possessed by ancients spirits, though.

I always think of Canada as a more civilized alternative to the US, but he is making their stock rapidly plummet.

You broke it. You bought it, sorry no returns.

Every time I think he might be growing up and becoming a semi-decent human being (ie his comments regarding the NHS charity single) he proves me wrong and goes back to his immature self centered asshattery.

Maybe Mexico will toss him in prison with Ethan Couch.

If by any chance he spilled his blood, it’s inevitable he awoke something ancient and powerful.
But the blood shed needs to be complete. Gods are hungry.

I like how as he bawls, the defense attorneys have zero empathetic reactions and look as if all they want to do is slide their chairs faaaaar away from him. Guy on the left just going down the list of charges marking G for guilty as the verdicts are read.