Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

She is. He’s just not paying her for it.

One guy speaks up and this asshole’s life is in tatters.

Alec knowing and not saying anything delayed justice. Sit the fuck down, Alec.

Considering what fucks like you, Energy Builders, do in places like Dakota and how you foist the monetary and ecological costs of your constant God damned spills on everyone else, how about you go fuck yourselves.

My beat is black politics. What’s their motivation?

Aw, yeeeeeeaaaaaah. Almost time to slaughter some fuckin’ nazis.

“Dispute” implies it’s two-sided.

Before being oh so very cloyingly helpful, you may want to consider the constant fucking negativity people vomit on everything posted on Sploid, which is most of why I don’t bother coming to this blog anymore.


Jesus fucking Christ.

Thank you. You too. :)

Thank you! You too!

Happy Saturday, errbody!

Thank you for that, at least, California.

Nah. People need to use any tool at their disposal to shit all over racists. In every way, at all times.

Bankrupt the useless little shit.

Because what’s normally coming up is base, not acid. Drinking acid balances the Ph of your stomach contents. At least, in my case. I get burning stuff coming up after I eat fatty foods.


Obama had better control over them. 45 lets them do what they want.

ICE is an explicitly white supremacist militarized police force that exists solely to harm, if not murder, brown people. The legality of anyone’s status has been repeatedly proven to be absolutely irrelevant to whether ICE will target you.