Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

(as long as I was completely still and held my breath, one of the game’s less obvious mechanics imo)

Next thing, you’re going to say drinking my own piss won’t cure cancer! How dare you!


But it doesn’t just circle you.

Then you really haven’t paid attention.

I spent fifteen minutes under a desk at one point to see if that was even remotely true. It’s absolutely not. It just kept circling and passing its tail right by my face. That animation only ever happens when you’re under a desk and only happens by the specific desk you’re under.

Yeah, there’s constant push-back. No idea why people have such a desperate need to defend something so broken that was advertised as being so intelligent.

Using Starcraft 1 as an example of why Isolation’s AI is garbage is silly as hell.

Starcraft 1? Really?

Don’t advertise a game based on its next-level monster AI that’s supposed to make you feel hunted if all it does is circle you.

Seriously frustrating.

What the fuck?

If it did what you wanted it to do, that’s fine.

one that will always know where you are,

I mean, sure, if you want to go into details about what rich, white sociopathy means.

“Controversial” is the wrong word.

45 and the GOP want people to die.


Clowns fucking suck, regardless of any iteration of King’s story. The entire clown shtick is horrible and depressing.

I’ve seen Dollhouse.