In Europe you can still compare shit to the holocaust, hitler and/or anything else related to WW2.
In Europe you can still compare shit to the holocaust, hitler and/or anything else related to WW2.
I’d like to offer my view that people are by nature xenophobic. Our primitive impulse is to distrust or fear the Outsider.
Another reason to reiterate the warning “turn of your bluetooth if you are not using it”. Airtag seems to use nearby bluetooth to ping it’s location via another device (without approval), than that of the tag owner. This is a serious security liability in all kinds of situations imo. How did this get approved for…
It’s also the same people who demand “Zero Tolerance”, “More Blue”, “Harsher Pentalties” and then get upset when they get pulled over for speeding, reckless driving or dui and say: “Don’t you have REAl criminals to bother?”, “There are not enough murdererererers, so you hassle ME??!!!”.
I think it is a failure in the american concept of “race”. I’ve noticed in US conversations “heritage” is treated as an unchanged chain of knowledge and customs tied to skincolour.
I’ve given a lot of F2P’s a go and many started to grind my gears fast.
The Stasi weren’t evil because they build a surveillance society. They were evil because they actively caused harm, sew distrust, manufactured charges to use against people, tortured, killed, had no oversight, were deeply corrupt and thrived on paranoia.
Back in my old forum admin days. If we suspended a user, they could still log in, but not post (either restricted to some boards or all). If we banned someone they could not log in anymore.
Both could have been permanent or temporary.
What the rest said and there are those who ascribe anything they don’t like to “the left” and everything they do like to “the right”
And right wing politicians play into this:
- “the liberal elite” vs “hardworking business owners”
- “identity politics” vs “religious freedoms”
- “social justice warriors” vs “conservative…
While the principle of NFT’s is now being used for vapid nonsense, likely linked to money laundring and stuff. It doesn’t mean it has no use in the digital space.
It’s depressing that the issue is “her being called communist” not that it is some racist dogwhistling.
That is why geoblocking is a thing, because the right holders block something being available in a certain region, based on the rights someone holds locally.
I only really like the ones with pets. I’m an old school (or just plain old) internet person or, and they are pretty rare, those that ar bit more abstract or a parody on the initial “meme”.
It’s nothing new tbh. The ones with power have often exploited those in fear, to make sure them that question are silenced.
Complaining that men can’t be men, while at the same time claiming that what a strawgroup of all men are doing isn’t manly for men.
Maybe they have an expansion concept ready, but it is a further move away from an mmorpg into multiplayer instanced team content and the wind is telling them: “don’t tell yet”.
Lego once had a theme that could pass for Animal Crossing. It was called Fabuland and was released in 1979.
Clan Nad, had some amazing bards.
That there was backlash towards a breast on tv at all, was deeply disturbing. I was a white boy in Europe, when it happened and my brain couldn’t and still can’t wrap my head around the amount of outrage, newsitems, person on the streets interviews, follow-up items, spured.
They can’t let Google be the biggest canceller.