
I’m kind of bummed that endgame progression is grinding dailies, dungeons or raids. Granted I’m old, back in the day it bothered me not at all. I miss an interesting crafting system (yea like housing) or a more extensive option to set goals. However I think that WoW simply can’t support such system, without falling to

President Trump? Never heard of him. I never met him” - Donald Trump, eventually.

He’s the American Dream my digital friend. No matter how uninformed, gullible, incompetent, malicious, vindictive, uneducated, dishonest, unhinged, dumb, delusional, shortsighted, bigotted, untrustworhty, flippant, uncaring, egotistical,etc...one is, as long as you know people in the right places and have money, you

*laugh cries in socialism*

Look, Trump has important stuff to do like following unhinged conspiracy theories, repeating tabloid level Fox News, golfing, tweeting like an 8 year old, being afraid of rain and blaming Hillary, Obama, Shine-Ah, the Europe, Candana, NFL players, children, the FBI, the CIA,...anyone but himself for it

Common, don't be a drag, just be a queen.

As I grow older it is clear that gamers and internet dweller in general are just a bunch of little shits, whom never outgrew the me-stage or developed the ability for empathy when not faced with direct consequences.

I don’t mind it too much when dealing with kids and teens, but we now have ‘little shits’ well into

These congregants do continuous claim that the Bible is their favourite book. At times trying to outdo eachother about the amount of times they read it within a given period.

Jason starts tweeting out stern worded tweets regarding substance abuse, emotional neglect and unsafe sex to a bunch of thirty looking teens.
Friday, they youngest one, gets the last and 13th tweet.

None, but these boys are so mediocre in their underachieving, that they invented a club that takes the least effort for them to become a member of.

Trump has no idea what DNA actually is and I’m quite sure people around him have tried to explain it (or maybe they have given up explaining anything that can’t be served in a single pane cartoon form)

Nora feels like a teenager written by an adult. Written with as much nuance as a wrecking ball through a sugar glazed cake.

At the CW they always have had little skill in giving characters credible emotional & intellectual depth and development. But good grief, I wonder if their initial idea was to have her talk in

One might say he went a-slong with Trumps racist and sexist diatribe.

...I’ll grab my coat....again.

They said “nel..newo...nepotism”, believe me it’s true and I looked at them and at Ivanka, great first daughter...she really is, and I said what about Hillary? Her man, Bill, I know him personnally so I can say this. Their nepotism is not said, no one talks about this in the fake-media. So my daughter would be great,

“Did you see that??? She forced her complacency upon him. She was so weak in how she forced herself in that situation! Poor man! We need real strong leaders like him. More proof liberals hate christians.” -likely somewhere similarly said or written

Koloboros (rough translation going by ouroboros)

Is there a name for the effect, where you see someone’s facial expression and already feel the gnawing irritation of having to undergo their narcissistic and unhinged word salad?


He’d turn red, yelling and screaming that the ground is being mean to him.

There was this time a group of people said “Hey, our lives do matter.”. These white men lost their shit. They started yelling “How dare you say our lives don’t matter”, “all lives matter!”, “blue lives matter!”.
Long story short, I don’t think their listening skills are particularly strong.