I’m not sure they understand loyalty. Real ‘loyalty’ comes from respect and trust. What they have is a combination of convenience and fear of getting lashed out at.
I’m not sure they understand loyalty. Real ‘loyalty’ comes from respect and trust. What they have is a combination of convenience and fear of getting lashed out at.
That is a weird sentence. You are then asking “Do you want to sleep you with me, tonight”
“as a familyman...”
My reaction is always “sure.”
What I even hate more is when someone in an interview aimed at adults talks about “mommy’s” & “daddy’s”. I find it infantilizing.
It’s likely disabled after Trump kept complaining that star-star-star-star-star-star (******) didn’t work as input, even though he saw everyone else entering it without issue. Totally unfair, a setup by the Clintons.
And an obligatory conversion to gay atheist islamic empathic public funded eco-friendliness
Aestetics and visual design is for faeries and nancy-boys. Fox News wants good blondes and real American prou...though boys.
You can’t outswim them and if you were lucky enough with some headstart, to get on dry land, you can’t outrun them either.
It kind of bothers me that most of these series die off without any resolution or sembalance of an ending. First the updates become sporadic and then the channels just become kind off inactive.
I think it is a by product of making up plot as they go.
Explains why nothing seems to work out when he’s responsible for it.
Get that Atheist Muslimian Socialibst shit out of here! Analog has been profitering of the US for decades, centuries. Never paying its due time. Trump I, the very excelent president he has always been, only reads one clock: US Time.
Staring for Night Mind & Nightmare Expo. Internet denizens are cheap like that.
Sometimes you have kids that grasp back to older genres. So it is entirely possible their kids will start blasting Handel or Rachmaninoff at 2' o clock at night.
- The efstar dat muzik be?!!!!!
- Dad, it’s baroque. Your lack of exposure to complex chords and melodies at an early age, has clearly left you at an abandon…
I got a headstart on my French by watching Club Dorothée on TF1 and learned my first English by having to switch to English books if I wanted some choice in scifi, horror and fantasy in my local library.
I didn’t need no app! Pepperidge Farm remembers!
If they invented “The War On Christmas!”, they sure as shit will screech “space job abolisher!!!” whenever it suits their narrative. Likely, as soon as you show empathy to a poor child or act civil to someone with a different ethnicity, they’ll grab their pitch forks and yell “Out with the FREEDOM SPACE HATERS!!!”
Laura, your ex (Dinesh, the bested director never) will not cast you as the Virgin Mary in his next project. Stop trying to cover your history rewritting racism with faux-outrage
I couldn’t possibly care any less about Vansmith, but those Metroaeros are cool.
I only use twitter for service updates regarding the various online games I play. The benefit is that I do not need to interact with anyone.
“After eight years of President Obama’s weak leadership, I was ready for a tough leader,”
Translation: I have no idea how actual right wing policies will affect me , but I like a tv personality that speaks loudly and has a though-guy act. The Right obviously stands for thoughness, so I like more right wing…
I once had to drive my boss his car to the carwash and to the leasing company. I was honestly flabergasted on what I was supposed to do. I’ve never before driven with an automatic and the car didn’t use an ignition key, card or button
Once the ‘shock’ of being in a very unfamiliar car setup wore off, I checked the…