
She has to make sure Father isnt seen eating day old glazed cheeseburgers all the time, his pants arent around his ankles at random intervals and that he shits in the bathroom instead of the plants. 

Tilt shift effect maybe?

He was maybe left of center, looking at US politics. Regarding European politics he was still a rightwing liberal, not even close to center left and certainly not a socialist.

How is an industry that would either need to cut paychecks or run out of resources going to create jobs? Jobs are only created, when production and demand rises.
People just string words together they hear on the picturebox, dont they.

You can just pull them inside out.

Sources tell that Trump did all for the nookie. Some even claim he did it twice, but Rouhani just took the cookie. Trump is now said to be feeling like a chump.

So first it was about common sense not to sail out.
Now it is about doing tourist stuff. Some people like doing tourist stuff, so what?

You seem to keep steering at the victims being too dumb or gullible or whatever. 

Inside, because it was explained to me at an early age and reinforced regularly
I didn’t intrinsically know that lightning was an electric discharge between the earth surface and clouds.
Casual observance of lightning, just shows it is light and noise up in the sky.

I’d also like to add that ‘common sense’ sometimes

It is possible that Fox News is stuck with ideological the most suitable people, but professional not that good.

‘Common sense’ is not a thing in unfamiliar situations. ‘Common sense’ requires a reference point, based on either experience or transfer of knowledge beforehand.

Weather that is fine to walk or drive in, might not be fine on open water. If you are rarely on open water, chances are you do not make this realisation or

Sharia law driven by a gay atheist agenda none the less.

Those 13 year old are all over the place, but obviously only with bad boys, not with nice guys like Cpt Mdnght. The Cpt doesnt need women, he took the beige pill.


Sorbo noped out. He did God Is Not Dead and Let There Be Light. He cameod in Sharknado and he keeps doing Mythica films. So he isnt too good for either ‘right wing victimhood films nor absolute shlock. Yet for this film he said:nah, Im out”.

Sorbo did God Is Dead and a bunch of other really bad Woe American Christians are the sole vicitims of this world-films...yet he noped out of this one. Im almost curious how bad this right-wing victimhood film is.

Oh, the irony.

I have a wee hunch that it is somewhat of understatement.

I think he just pulls down his pants, shits all over the board and yells “Look at me! Bingooo!”.

Why the fuck does anyone need to walk 20 miles to get to his job in a supposedly modern industrialized nation? I know socialism is like worse than murder in the US, but ffs get some affordable public transportation or assist people at least with getting a bike or something.

Lets applaud a boss giving his car, yet

I never said it had to do with something being right or wrong.

Hes redesigning Air Force One, chances are that hell demand for a cloud-catcher to be installed.