
More like “I have some offbrand stale caramels in my rusty wheelbarrow”. He likely can’t drive, he doesn’t have the money to buy the good stuff. He is likely to dimwitted to pick out a kid, just ending up trying to kidnap a cutout promotional carboard shrubbery.

- Witness!
- Nah, it’s just depressing.

Good look with making a case for “random check in store” = “defamation”

Reminds me of a Scifi story I once read (forgot the title). During the early expansion of humanity into space, explorers and settlers would find old Earth technology lightyears away.
It eventually turned out, a time travelling species forsaw our galactic expansion and decided to mess with us. Stealing stuff in the past

Well the current Maroon 5 tour is called Red Pill Blues, so the toxicity all kind of connects.

How dare you to reason with them! You mean to imply they might not be absolutely right? That’s why they vote Trump, and they’ll keep voting Trump as long as you don’t acknowledge how absolutely right they are.

Reason is for snowflakes, libtards, oystersauce...I mean soysauce eaters and the literate elites.

For people like Diane Black we don’t exist. There is only America.

“When the Great True Christian Emperor Trump blessed his son with the pious right to lead true American Christians into a new age of properity, he was clearly running on traditional family values” - Republicans Of The Dark Future

Also memberstates did previously have their own regulations regarding data and third party access and usage. GDPR is a streamlining of all those seperate rules.

For example, regarding Belgium. In Belgium there was already a similarish law regarding data since ‘92.
If you followed the German rules, chances were you’d


You can still be socially progressive and deeply xenophobic and mostly implement rightwing economic principles.

Most of western Europe is still moving to the left on social points such as gender reasignment, reproductive rights, marriage equality, income equality, maternity/paternity leave,...

However it’s also moving

Regarding that Invicta watch, check out Avi-8. They have similar watches, without the inflated price point. 

A happy Dan Henry 1963 owner here.
I did put it on a James Bond nato strap though.

MVMT’s might look stylish (depending on taste & preference), but they are vastly overpriced. It could be that things have changed, but MVMT’s are known to use really cheap movements (not necessarily bad ones). When you buy such a watch, most of the price is for the brandname, not the implied quality.

Regarding the male hormonal cyclus, as far as I saw during my courses it was rather irregular.

The man suffers from CEA*. The only thing that sooths this ailment is watching Fox News and being on the lookout for Deep State operatives, out to harm his lord and saviour Donald “Jebus Kristmas” Trump.

It’s like their definition of “freedom of speech”. It basically means “I can say what I want, but you are not allowed to comment on it, react to it or point out I’m making a mistake or a lie”

They’ll celebrate him and scream themselves into extacy.

I think some mean those scenes where a dude wobbles vigorously with his shoulder or furiously shakes his elbow next to his midrif, pulls weird faces and a production assistant throws some youghurt into the shot.

“If schools no longer exist, bears can’t invade through the doors. Abolish schools, save lives.” - True Patriots