
Pardon my French, but quelle surprise.

There’s a fortune to be made off these idiots.

“Kristin Wiig is a ridiculous choice to play Cheetah, I take shit.”

You have plenty of people who worship companies. Apple and Nintendo most commonly known, but far from the only ones.

You have people who take critizism on their favorite brands so personally that it goes beyond awkward.

When you land on a knee and with one hand on the ground, you look badass and you will win the battle.

So don’t be surprise when Trump starts twitting that Macron only hangs out with “Bad Hombre Leaders” and never nice “Presidentials” like him. “#SoFriendzoned” incoming!

“how everything could have been resolved if people Just Talked To Each Other”

So the book could have been a CW series. ^^

That not a star I gave, but “a depressed spacial anomaly in acknowledgement of your statement”.


No, there is something like that in the books, but not in the the new film and certainly not in the original mini-series (1990)

Also Kevin Sorbo...who happened to be Hercules once.

She only appeared in two shows, because she is a conservative. The dirty heathen liberals are blocking her glorious but very conservative (in case you forgot) career.

By hip internet standards I’m an ancient (36 year old). That said, superficial and vapid beefs within the pop-industry (in whatever form) is not really new.
What is new is the amount of people who follow it on any given time.

After dispensing this useless wisdom that contributes little to nothing, I’ll return to my old

Oh, that’s the soundtrack to Sunshine (The Special Avian Cut)

I find it a bit disturbing that I can mimic him (at least in text form.)
so well. Then again, his vocabulary is so limited and you only have to construct a speech pattern as if you are quite drunk.

Big Boi Tucker is following the the decreed outrage, but I think he is half-hoping to keep failing upward and be able to take Inanity’s timeslot.

He’s already dreaming of a big vest, with big shoulders.

I think he is promoting his 90's Eurodance Revival ban...act.

I heard they be using it in Shelbyville!

I resent your remarks, Matt Bevin is a very smart, kind hearted and competent indivual. Anything your read before this ‘this’ is completely misunderstood and infact the opposite.

When The Greatest President Ever said “drain the swap!”, he likely looked forward to destroy a nature reserve, to convert it to some cheap real estate project.