
*mental image*

Just like: “maybe we should be more inclusieve, less toxic and slightly more mature in the portrayal of female characters” translated to “manhating socialists will take your games away and make a soy loving beta cuck out of you”.
The implied demonization of videogames by their “saying-it-like-it-is”-heroes, will

The nerds didn’t want him either, now he is just plain unpopular.

Or 7uigi (7 is supposed to be a flipped L...yea sorry)

Not only controversial, but people were surprised Bethesda doubled down on it.

- What are you trying to claim? That Nazi’s might be evil?????

“The government and conservatives have hammered this into people’s heads, that a protest must be non-violent or it fails”

Yet conservatives will also claim the need for guns, to stand up against government.

I think it is mostly a brand of people who believe ‘others’ ought to know their place and stay there.

‘alt-left’, people using this term unironically, have clearly never met contemporary marxists, communist and other various forms of exotic left-wing philosphies.
Those people don’t hide their ideas, philosophies or how they define them, they will go on and on and on and on...

It’s the broflake racists that get terribly

Or 9gag.



PG and PG-13 have seriously shifted down since when they were invented.
Gremlins and Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom were originally rated PG. This was simply because a film was either PG or immediately R. Hence PG-13 was invented.

PG-13 rated films turned out to be the most profitabel. So studios started to aim

Attacking a source is only a fallacy if the ‘attack’ is the argument against the point being debated.
However voicing skepticism on the validity of a source isn’t a logical fallacy. Otherwise you could proof your own point, by creating your own source.

Additionally, when getting a source, it’s important not to cherry

Anastasia DeCobray better watches out. If the NRA hires a duo of identical twin brothers, she might lose her stronghold as head of propaganda for Cobra, I mean NRA (sorry)

“they just voice opinions”.
I think every single film ever made will somehow reflect on the creators opinions. Writers, directors, scriptwriters, editors, etc do not work in an emotional or ideological vacuum. Presuming and demanding otherwise is insane.
I’m fairly sure this little douche knows this subconciously.

What a belitteling asshole. B-Movies (Horror in general) have had a possible deeper meaning since forever. Often by means of satire through horror. Writers of any genre do not exist or write in a vacuüm.
That ass probably also thinks that scifi is nothing more than “ships in spaces doing pewpew” and fantasy is just

He’s using “When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars”, whenever he uses ‘billions’ you can be sure he has no clue what he is talking about. I wonder if he even understands what a billion is.  

Or they would have nodded sagely and said: “But Roy is very well respected, he’s doing a lot for the community” and ignored or actively covered up his behavior.

Didn’t see that plottwist coming

Pervert or death. :/
Although ‘omg death’ is usually reserved for social media.

I’m in the same boat. I have a overlapping social life.
I see it as a benefit. Sometimes things happen that make hanging out with a specific group less appealing. It’s nice to be able to hang out with other people, without having to burn or rebuild bridges.
I also can’talk with the same people about different things.

Hippo’s, you can’t outswim them, you can’t outrun them either and they will fuck you up. Their little ears are still cute though.