
It reminds me of a Belgian semi-vulgar childrens song about a frog and a stork.
It’s the story about a small frog, hidding on the banks of the Scheldt. It learns that his father was eaten by a stork. The small frog swears vengance by stating, in quite colorful terms, to punch the stork in the face, given the chance.

He’s a man, bragging about sexual assault is just locker talk. A female breast is enough to summon the Great Old Ones to the God Chosen USA. Just imagine the soul shattering terror that would have been bestowed upon God Chosen USA if the nippel had been shown

I as a dirty heathen socialist European am rather baffled how this is even remotely allowed for a head of state in a presumably Free(tm) state.

Where are all the FREEDOM(tm) Loving Godfearing Real American Constitutionalists? Or is it ok for them because “liberal media” (conveniently) isn’t mentioned or something along

“-sen” family names are commonly found all over Scandinavia (except Finland, but they are kind of adopted), Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.
However “Nielsen” is considered Scandinavian. Her first name also follows a Scandinavian form. So it is all kinds of ironic and sad.

I thought they’d announce she was waking from a drug induced haze screaming “the fuck am i doin’???”

If you can’t recall what is said during important meetings (regardless if you feign it), should be grounds for being removed from such function.

I’m a lowly IT grunt and I wouldn’t want to work with a colleague who answers a question in such manner.

If only “I don’t recall x being said/asked/taught/show/...” worked during my high school and college years as an argument against or for something during tests. I’d have several masters.

Linguistically that means mom-taker...it’s not only sound awkward, it’s kind of creepy if you think about it.

The little tuft potato with noodly fingerstumps has no idea what he is saying. What he does know is that it draws attention to him and gets him addoration and money from a specific group of people.
It’s all he cares about, praise, attention and money

I’m not much of a Christian, but Maria’s virgin birth of Jezus isn’t the same as say, what Zeus did to Alkmene.
It isn’t even sure if the virgin birth of Jezus is canonical correct. It’s rarely mentioned in texts and often confused by people with the immaculate conception of Maria. Though it has been accepted as being

If you have to pay monthly and have others decide how your property can look, you might as well just rent. At least then you don’t have to pay for structural repairs.

In the version I read they also made mention that #MeToo had been hijacked by conservatives and religious groups as a way to limit women in their social freedom. It’s being used as an example to segregate men and women in various social situations. Implying that rape equates to sexuality, instead of violence.


I think “My Dick” is the name of his tie. He’s clearly* saying:

“I would hang it up there and tie it round and round and round and then I would say, because I sometimes do, really really good by the way, I would say look at this Shina, great country shina, great people over there, hard workers, only I am a bigger

These fine “economic anxious” people do realize that their “southern heritage” and flag is based on a very short period roughly between 1861 and 1864?
It’s a rhetorical question to be honest, because it sure looks to me that “economic anxiety’ makes one remarkably selective when considering ones history and ‘heritage’.

Metalhead was basically Screamers (In The Woods).

Damn that kid is still in need of real big boy pants

I gave it a shot when I hung out on a messageboard with a bunch of armchair libertarians that kept going

Anything over 5 possibly 7 are just very big, very great numbers. So while he still might be able to utter “5 million”, anything over it becomes “billions and billions”. However, his handlers likely informed him that “billions and billions of illegal votes” would be impossible, since there weren’t that many votes.

It’s remarkable tone deaf for sharing that supposedly Churchill quote. It’s individuals like him and those who define themselves as being right-wing (they actually have no idea what left or right means politically or economically) that always react to criticism or inquiries regarding their statements with “stop

The Netherlands:

Capital City: Amsterdam