
You’ll get a pair of bootstraps, so you can pull yourself up.

Dupes and most “news” sites just kind of copy each other. So if one site on the top starts dragging in ‘a laptop’ for no apparent reason, other sites will quickly use/copy that bit of info as well.

It also worked for Frodo

I bet half the food on that picture is made with gelatine, mayonaise and canned peas.

(reference to the really weird and gross cookbooks of the 50-60's)

Reliable and improved usage of surround sound is something that would benefit visually impaired individuals and could also increase the immersion for other types of gamers.

Any politician who has been shot, maimed, poisoned, beaten, imprisoned or abducted is now like: “ain’t he a quaint little yellow snowflake.”

Sam at times even reminded my of a very destructive person I once knew.

I’m 35, I’ll break your hip by awkwardly stumbling into you. Shuffling at you, as we speak.

Oh sure, I agree.
I still have the feeling that they only cut the trailer to make it look like Lock Stock And Two Glistening Swords and it feels kind of awkward.

Depends from person to person in my experience. Persons I’ve met who get a near self-induced orgasm for reading ‘Tarantino’, usually also gush about the greatness of Guy Ritchie.

I’m in the camp of people who have generally enjoyed his movies. However I acknowledge that a lot of his films are rather same-ish,

Groot, the nightmare fuel years.

By Jezebel standards I’m a dirty heathen male chauvinist pig, but I didn’t find Top Of The Lake misandrist( misandric?).

I bet she wasn’t even born goth. Such a poser.

What do you mean? SWOTR and GW2 just released their new expantions (or late last year).

When the American army invades Texas. According to Greg Abbott this could have been any minute then.

I read “Fyre” as either “Faere” or “Faïre”

He easily falls into “white male mediocrity” when you look at his success, however he is charlatan as well. “White male mediocrity” provides above average rewards for minimum effort. In the case of Gorka, the dude is willfully misconstruing his knowledge level and covering up his history.

WMM covered his ineptitude,

Facts are for liberals!

Just like he didn’t know what NATO was or did. He still rambles that “the rest has to pay their bills”. Maybe someone needs to explain Captain Cooked Ham In Chief that NATO is not a semi-private contractor branch of the US government.

The last caliphate dissolved in 1925. Other than “muslims” or “brown people” and whatever you read in your local Sang Et Terre journal. I’m relatively sure that you have no idea, what a caliphate is.

As is, that’s not really that bad, because most people don’t. The thing is, there are two specific groups of people who