
You are actually describing how cognitive dissonance works.

“even if you or I think someone is being homophobic by saying they don’t think gay marriage is ok, that may not be homophobia by their definition because they think gay people shouldn’t be discriminated against for work, or they have a gay friend, or they’re

Around MW2-3 Activision half heartedly tried to get Call Of Duty to be known as an MMO. With a monthly sub plan and everything Luckily it didn’t succeed.

What I also don’t get is them getting bend out of shape for being called racist or sexist.
I hate these type of persons. Not only do they behold largely unfounded irrational (hateful) views. They flat-out deny holding them in the first place, while at the same time sharing them plentiful.

There are two options in my

Words are a liberal conspiracy. You need words to write in the gay agenda for example.

We can’t call those people morons, because then, out of spite, they feel insulted and will voted even harder against their own interest.

- Please! Stop doing dumb and hatefull shit.
- How dare you! Let me double down on my dumb shit, fething libeoraleles

I do think that the “sexey, hawt, oh so slim, reaaaallly happy/willing, perfect smile woman”-add bs needs to go (same for the burly-sunkissed-six-pack-blessed-average-joe-dude or the charming-slim-sociopath).
However, somehow this reeks of conservatives that want to tone-police and protect the innocent devout French

I live in a small apartment building. I always hear my cat mewing at the door when I arrive home.
I once asked my upstairs neighbor if he ever heard her doing that while he passed. He said “no”. I’ve also asked various people who were catsitting for me. In each case their answer was “no”.

My cat knows when I’m coming up

Sure, slap those politicians that hold executive responsibilities with a contract.If they don’t abide to that contract, out they go. No benefits, no minimum wage, but a free supply of bootstraps .

Hey, I’m not ruthless

Any surprise that these “concerned conservatives” decided that the hill they’d die on, would be made out of feces?
At least it’s warm for them, I suppose... 

/gives sad_but_true_star

For example, if you frequently visist facebook.com/BreadAndButterBasics an analyst could presume it’s either you or someone close to you.

I would have rooted for you. You were our chosen one! ;)

Kind of depressing that you have to ask. Isn’t it?

“The white young man read the bible everyday, was close with the church community. Friends and family, would be surprised if this kind and gentle member of their society wasn’t provoked somehow.

A neighbor even states:” This was prosecution for being white, christian and defending yourself from genocide” - Plausible

So why aren’t you competing in F1? (other than it being rather expensive and all)

I don’t believe that there was any bystander effect here. The ‘live’ feeds I get are either from people I have in my friendslist or from persons/bands I follow.

It is safe to presume that the handful of people watching that feed either knew the violators, the victim or both. From this, I’m going to presume they

It’s also hauntingly beautiful. A lot of Unreal Tournament maps were imo.

Yes there are, but youtube tries to counter this. This has at times caused valid subs/ views to be purged as well though.

It’s the type of parent that needs to clarrify “I don’t agree with her politics” for no relevant reason.

On PC it still requires 16GB of ram instead of the listed 8, because “memory leaks are only an issue for scrubs lol” or so I presume.
Frame rates still drop for no apparent reason, then go up again even though far more stuff is going on in the background.
Since they didn’t patch the PC version, I can’t imagine the

On PC it still requires 16GB of ram instead of the listed 8, because “memory leaks are only an issue for scrubs lol”