Especially since there was literally zero reason Colin Farrell couldn’t just keep playing the role.
Especially since there was literally zero reason Colin Farrell couldn’t just keep playing the role.
Disembodied sunglasses
I thought maybe she is just trying to get out from under her sister’s shadow....
one of the most salacious study-abroad murder cases of all time.
All I know is apparently someone on Twitter airbnb’d at her place once, and she was a gracious host and left a welcome kit that included Bananagrams, condoms, and weed.
That’s not fair. Ansel was great in Baby Driver, I think he’s got some real promise.
Strange. I liked Cara much more than Dane in this. But maybe it was more the writing. It’s been some time since I saw a main character as dislikable as Valerian.
Daniel Bae Kim amirite!?
It’s true their characters were supporting roles to the primary plot line which is, of course, the burgeoning romance between McGarrett and Danny. But, really, every role is secondary to that storyline.
I’m not familiar with the show, but if the distinction between their roles and the “lead” roles has become as superficial as the other commenters claim, they shouldn’t have to be held back by “Asian sidekick” status. It’s worth noting that the casts of ensemble shows like Friends and The Big Bang Theory have decided…
According to the unofficial poll I took yesterday of people who claim to have at least seen the show (and there were way more of them than I expected), Kim and Park have strong supporting roles, so the lack of parity in salary in this particular case (at least as it relates to O’Laughlin) is probably defensible.…
So even after a “large and significant salary increase”, they still weren’t going to be on par?
I had the biggest crush on Kim when he was on LOST. It was like his hair grew out with those curls and the clouds parted and rays of sunshine came down.
A CSI-Macgyver-Hawaii Five-O crossover would make me quit, too
The show was conceived with them in supporting rolls but in practice their characters have become just as much leads as Scott Caan’s. Their pay should reflect the reality of the current situation not the situation when the show was conceived.
“By the time I’m done, they won’t even know your name.”
Wait. Sarah McLachlan is some sort of artist? I thought she was this person whose job was to make me all sad, depressed, and suicidal over animals.
Ya I mean his island has got to have wifi right?
I wish they’d stuck to their guns. If anything could make Tupac come out of hiding this would be it.