
Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

I hope this doesnt mean hes not sending my money.

Not that being dead ever stopped Chicago residents from participating in the electoral process.

Woah there, Edgemaster9000.

Would it kill them to actually make clothes for people with long torsos? Feels like standard sizing means I’m wearing either a belly shirt or a dress.

One guy is a serial sexual assaulter, liar, and racist. But Hillary sent some emails incorrectly.

All I’m sayin’ yo.

Being from GA, I remember that campaign clearly, and thinking “Well, there’s no way in hell Chambliss can win now. I mean, it’s Max Fucking Cleland being questioned on his commitment to taking care of veterans and support of the military.” Then Chambliss won, and I realized we’d come to a dark, dark place.

So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:

I once dated a woman who pulled out a box of frozen Thin Mints from her freezer on a hot August night. I proposed to her then and there.

You people are worse than ISIS. Thin Mints or get the hell out of my country.

Hello people

What’s a “manger”?

Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.

its totally fair...he needs to be trounced by a woman. he’s not allowed to leave this race now, claim he was pushed out by the MSM and save any face. He needs to:

Gee Cyril, I guess maybe deep down I’m afraid of ANY apex scavenger who survived the Panic of ‘82, the Unease of ‘85, the Crash of ‘86, the Recession of ‘90, the Anxiety of 2000 and the Shit Your Pants Collapse of 2007. Physically unchanged because he is the perfect blood sucking capitalist running dog. 250 pounds of

With deniers (or apologists or just incredibly dumb people,) I egg them on, such as yesterday when I confronted this lady who liked Hitler’s management skills.

Agree, it’s baffling to me that people think that necessarily means she’s hiding some horrible secret. Did we forget about the Depp/Heard divorce that quickly? She will get cast as the opportunistic shrew/villain, while there will be some “poor Brad Pitt” narrative. I was discussing this divorce with a female friend

It looks like he fought...

It frightens the daylights out of me. My grandparents survived Auschwitz. If they were alive today, I shudder to think what they’d have to say about this buffoon. And what really bothers me is how Republicans who were so vocally against the things he was saying during the primaries are falling in line behind him just