Blue Rose of Stark

The rest actually were smart and git when the gittin was good !

Yes, but each was seperate. Putting all of these horror tropes into one show with 40 minutes of show and the rest revenue (commercials)
Ends up making a whole lot of something that's a whole lot of nothing. So the camera work was like Blair witch. So?

Lange returning for a cameo is pure fan fiction from another site.
She has said time and time again she's not returning, not this year. & to his blabbermouth (sorry Ryan but U R)Murphy never said she's returning. It's just fans saying "I just know JL is the real butcher." UM no, she's not.
She herself said she's not

Hey! This episode was actually scary! The 'real' Butcher is outright creepy. (And we thought Agnes was bad) Her hair looks like Elizabethan harpy, while her face though not clearly seen is pretty much hellish. We watch as Agnes who has had it- all set to torch the MURDE (R) (the BEST idea anyone's had this season) as

God that 'new' Butcher looked a lot like Negan except she had a hatchet and he had Lucille.

Really the second half(aka the big twist) is simply a continuation of the first twist. Same characters but all of them are dying like in every other shlock horror movie.
Is it really that radically different to you?
The only surprise to me is Sidney gone in the 1st 5 minutes of the show, if that's even true. (But I

Truthfully, I couldn't tell, bu I think the consensus here is no, they weren't the same.

The shock effect makes everything look nastier. Its why its so effective.

They were cute, but pin ups ? , I guess maybe 70's wise, you're right. The other ones were shown from such a distance, I couldn't really tell what they looked like , could you?

Yes but I also saw Elias die and come back , die and come back.
I hope Denis O Hare really does come back. After his role as Liz Taylor, I've come to be a huge fan. He has a very handsome husband and new adorable baby BTW.

Yes, you're right but I can't believe he'd be back only for one episode. I think I'm done with making sense of anything A H S.
I used to do that every season and was hurt every time.
Freak Show was a prime example. I for some reason loved FS . It's theme was 'tolerance of people outside the norm' . The Edward Mordrake

You think you can rhyme

Old is better, remember that !
And you just can't put a price on experience-

I read this same story on another site — I too think it's a very interesting coincidence
Murphy could be hinting at something .

Let's think ! there's so many to choose from !

You said it much better than I did, I must say.
Thank you. That is what I meant !

Oh my yes. Soooo funny ! He and that group of funny guys and gals from that time is surely missed . You are making me feel slightly mature (ha) …. and a lot wistful. Those times are a different world. Here we are now , yet then… how unique and fortunate those are to be familiar with both, don't you think ?
I'm still

Terribly bad ! Everything about her British self was likely intentionally bad!

Great comment.
Kathy Bates was truly her best in this. Angela made the most of her Star for sure , and it worked out quite well. And I bet that was intentional re : Angela herself, a top actress and apparently impressive director too !.
This is already Bates' best AHS season by far. I am thrilled that the show is

I think she is , the hair and dress too. Brit. But not in a good way.