Blue Rose of Stark

Thanks , I missed that. You're right, but with Sidney nothing would surprise me—-
Cheyenne is right on the mark, he's killing it. (He looks so different to me though, he's lost a lot of weight, maybe? )

I am not totally sure he's dead though.

They do and come on ! This is AHS, of course they'll have cameras in bathrooms and in beds and wherever else they can!
They Rouge nipples & They're not gonna have cameras in bathrooms ? Please !

Paul Lynde? Was he an actor? You mean you actually watched the Hollywood Squares ! Are you sure you don't mean Charles Nelson Reilly ?

When did you realize that? Hopefully before murde-r :^)
And he looks great doesn't he? I get the feeling he hates it.

I thought he was going to show up last night .

Kathy Bates is the butcher. An actress possessed or the real deal. Mare Winngham would be a great Mama Polk.
I really don't care, if she just shows up I'm happy.

Also was there any mention of the daughter Flora? She survived - I watched again but no mention was made?

Whats up with way the too MANY commercials this season ???

That no actors were affected during the taping makes sense now. No blood moon was shining high in the night sky.
Real Matt (aka the sweater guy) is the only who seems to be "oh, well, who cares" , and he's likely in @ 'paranormal lust' with Scathach.

An A agreed! A Classic Ghost Story American Horror Story Style? Is it possibly the Best Season ? Oh perhaps.
Top Moments:
1.) Cheyenne Jackson as Sydney looks damn hot , but too damn arrogant. Is he in for bad AHS juju? He said he bought the place, after hearing all those stories ? For ratings ? (See ya on the

Decent actor and should get alot more credit. But he's young so has a bright future ahead, thanks to the show. As March last year he was Emmy worthy. He, Denis O Hare, Kathy Bates (and the soundtrack) made Hotel for me
Him and Sarah in bed ?
That might've been my all time favorite moment in AHS history . ♡ Come on ya

If he's dead—-He's the 'good' ghost . Umm, is there is such a thing .
But he seems more like he'd be the
jokester in cahoots with the crew.
That is a Sydney Set up .
I think. When they all go up. He'll look dead but surprise.

That makes me feel worse :( I love Katya.
She has Russki Sass and Ass. And she's a gorgeous girl
Come on !What's not to like?

Ru Paul is Ru Paul. There's no one quite like her ♡

Violet has a body that defies any super model I've ever seen, and has a eye for fashion that can/will never be topped on Drag Race. Maybe byLady Ru, but that's it.
Both wear it well. And DO it well.

Well said my (Penny Dreadful, Mr. Lyle ??) friend ! No mention of Michele Visage ? I'm vying for her job:) Hope you are well !

Preach the words and I'll tell you this:
Those Drag Race girls are some of the toughest (men) on this fucking planet& deserve our love and respect as the role models they R .
I know many trans men that celebrate their female side only (secretly) amongst themselves. In restaurants, get togethers in Vegas (what stays

I think it was one of the unfortunate girls from the 70's .

Emily if you read above you'll see- I amended my 1st comment.
I appreciate your apology, re: a comment made in error.