Blue Rose of Stark

Finally , someone says it. Thanks.

So that means she knows exactly what happened. Something's not right.
Have we really seen the last of Patti?And maybe she wasn't trying to help him as I've said here. Maybe we'll hear something this week about well, I don't know?
Season 3?

Liv Tyler as the devil temptress ?
That's an Aerosmith album cover if ever there was one.
They should've played Walk this Way instead of white lines ! (No white lines was perfect. I loved it .)

She said they didn't depart? Are you sure ? I thought she said something like the girls are gone Kevin.
The thing is honestly we don't know if Patti was a good entity or bad. For all we know Meg could be getting directives from her on the other side or hell, purgatory, the waiting room or wherever that place was.

Evie's a renegade, there were little things they threw our way ,the way she acted- but they were so minimal that at the time you couldn't even pick them up.
Even in the photos at the high school memorial she seemed front and center in all of them.
And if Erika and or John is any indication- Evie has rebel/wild child

well, how Leftovers weird is that ? And wonderful of you !

How does the Patti ghost play into this if anything? She was the leader of the Remnant— And knew Meg? And was with Kevin when he tried to kill himself and saw what happened to the girls. Didn't she say they're gone, Kevin or something to that effect? Not sure if she said "they departed"

Yes and Dog pilot is so cute, I'd take him with me to Miracle.
Together we would rid Miracle of Meg and the Guilty Remnant. And we'd turn the Jardin camp into a huge kennel for all the poor sweet dogs whose owners left them alone because of the Departure.
(I still hate that part)

well then, may his torment continue … as in may he stay on the show.

Long preceeded it. The more you think about it though , the more confusing it gets. Frankly I can't stop thinking about it.

What government now that you mention it ?
update -
I watched the 1st season 1st episode to refresh myself on a few things before Sunday and saw C-Span of all things on the TV so yes, a government( of some sort) does exist.

Now, I agree with you :) She IS showing her age, frankly I'm surprised she hasn't done anything, her looks are one of her strengths, but so is her uniqueness. And her acting. I've always admired her on many levels. (speaking from a hetero female point of view)

really I didn't mean it like that. I'm on tinder though;)

But don't you think Meg is something more than a rouge member of the Guilty Remnant ? Like 'Crazy Meg' as you call her? Do you take her at face value, simply a radical or—-
Maybe she is a version of this Demon Azreal as mentioned ( I think jokingly) in a comment. Do we totally dismiss the supernatural element from

send us a selfie and then we'll chat.

Yeah but why the remark on her age? Everyone ages, (—-if you know something I don't, please share) Also, she hasn't done anything to her face as far as I can see and to me, it only adds to her beauty.
(Yes, when young she was exceptionally beautiful but like Gillian Anderson and Cate Blanchett. some lucky women get

hmmmmmm. forgot about that. She pulled off that vibe for sure.

When you think about it, that's the beauty of this episode. They used out of time sequence and it worked magnificently. (After you were totally mind fucked and realized that's what was happening, of course :)

STOP. Just stop.

Did good.