Blue Rose of Stark

No Guilty Remnant. Good move to leave them behind.
I guess even Laurie thought so. Though when she left ??? I musta missed that too.
The show started strangely this year , you have to admit that.

when did he go missing? Did I miss something?

Because they switched gears completely. I saw glimmers of what it could've been myself last year but can't say I was a fan. This year is a very pleasant surprise.

I love the new theme song , it is perfect it's in polar opposite to the feeling of last year. (And the show itself last year, for that matter )

God, I gotta say, I disliked this show last year. (mainly because of the Guilty Remnant) This year though, because of the move to (not so miraculous) Miracle, TX. I love it, the new theme song and Carrie Coon. She is awesome as Nora. Her expressive face wavers between strenth and weakness. She's not tough as even she

yeah- now that's an example of Murphy's craziness.
She was SO in control, now she's a loose cannon. I was hoping she was gonna be a positive in the show , well it sure doesn't look like it now.

Good point on that. Perhaps it might end up having dire consequences on the kids that ARE infected that seem fine and ready to feed away.
Side effects might occur - this blood virus has never been given to anyone with the measles, an apparent deadly disease in it's own right. It's also a nice convenient way to end a

Yep- And every year we say the same thing. Our hopes get so high but right around now in the show, Murphy starts swerving into to many directions with too many sub- characters and story dead ends.
I can't understand, why, when he has a good thing, he doesn't stick with it.
The school massacre thing is an example- is

I know what you're saying. But if you get a chance watch it. It's a wonderful performance by Naomi Grossman (not in Hotel so far)

She shows up between 2 & 3 AM in Room 64 & asks John Lowe if he wants his sheets turned down.
(Which brings me to 2 exceptional things this season)
1.) The MUSIC ( inspired and just plain HOT)
2.) The Tongue in Cheek comments that just keep giving .
Some Examples :
A.) Countess seeing Dononvan for the1st time, to Iris:

How about Pepper's backstory in Freak Show?

No I think she got a little greyer. It's just her hair style that didn't change.

There's his great line that keeps staying with me.
" Oh, They come and they go, some for a while and some? (residents) Have been here since the "dawn of time"

Matt BoNer.
Oh! I get it now.

Welcome to Ryan Murphy's world. Leave your dirty sheets outside the front door. Miss Evers will take care of them. No. she doesn't use Tide pods. She uses Love. Lots of it.

True—— he's likely more than a mid western cross dresser that happened to have a makeover, then dropped everything to run a L.A. hotel and throw dead bodies down a chute with the ghost of Miss Evers for years now. Ask no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

Oh I know love his accent. Damn I always knew you had it in you Evan. But I want MORE !!!!

Yes- I'm very happy for Denis O' Hare.
Murphy (finally) gave him a character/ storyline worthy of him. True he was pretty good (but smarmy as hell) in Freak Show but as good soul Liz Taylor, he killed it last night.
To me-O Hare & Bates at her lowest point last night was some of the best acting of the season so far.

Yep—- to me, it's another Ryan Murphy " what the hell, let's throw that in plotline ".
Honestly what does all that have to do with The Hotel Cortez-
James March, Will Drake, The Ten Commandments Killer , Ramona Royale, John Lowe or anything ? Unless it's a continuation of the Halloween 2 part episode.
Why Murphy does

Alas- True that.
But there is one thing Murphy does well on AHS - it's his character 'Back Story' scenes. They make for great storytelling and give his characters a certain pathos. I think its a big reason I keep watching AHS, torturing myself season after season.
For me— Liz& Iris were the best thing about this