Herr Quattro - Has a 4-Motion

BUFF the red nosed B-52...

"If you were to ask a 5 year old to draw a Ferrari, this is the one they'd draw."

Honestly, I love North Koreas subs- they're so freaking retro it's awesome.

You could say the same about F1 cars since the late 90s

"been the brand's Panamera"

I bet this is one of those sports that has tons of innovation available

I don't understand why people talk about "molested" instead of modifications.

you know, replacing attorney general with politicians would make that a very ironic statement.


so.... we should hate earl?

How about the rear door? I heard its great the first couple times, but it can become a drag.

Does it have the new-fresh-leather/carbonfiber-smell?

@ Driver: You had ONE job.

soooo.... It's a Miata?

I'd buy this, transform the interior to a mechanic type shop, and cruise as I work on my beat to shit cars.

You had ONE job...

Can I have your beetle?


Why the fuq did they not lock they're doors?

True... Meh- So, are the stories of your Ferrari going to contribute to "Plays with Cars 2.0(L)"?