Herr Quattro - Has a 4-Motion

"Preach. And preach often and loudly."

so uh...

Superstition needs to meet Spock. And then have the meeting broadcasted onto live TV.

"YOUR CHANCE to own a FUTURE CLASSIC that will DOUBLE IN VALUE in the NEXT YEAR, and also, if you want to come look at it, you should bring a fire extinguisher."

Sweden is now #3 on my favorite countries list just because they can say what they want. Try saying that in the US?

idk- I don't think bad luck would screw with a warship

well- I mean... They have to save some bit of glory days... Right!?

that applies perfectly thank you.

I'm happy that I'm white and I care.

this seems cruel.

is full throttle like Christmas? As in You only use it once a year?


you sir, are only proving there point. Get out, and go join 4chan.

last time I checked this wasn't the YouTube comment section... Or #gamergate for that matter.

Are you sure you got the F40 to give your kids the show or you?

Another day, another recall.

I somewhat do, but I think it would be sorta like if a Car company (let's call it Jalopnik) named their car Cobra.

why do you hope Dodge loses?

Porsches are a dime a dozen everywhere. Maybe just as common as Corvettes.