
Usually blue is drinking water, yellow is gas (or other flammable substances) , green sewer, and orange utilities like cable TV. I’ve also seen people spray bright green or bright orange to point out tripping hazards, like a sidewalk that has lifted in a section.

Man I hope it is. That game was amazing.

I mean... the whole genre of First Person Shooters were originally referred to as Doom Clones, so...

That’s the point though? It’s not hiding or trying to be shady that it’s taking major inspiration from Shadow of the Colossus. It’s target audience is people who really liked SoTC. I’m sure the people that kickstarted the game also are 100% aware of the games source material too.

If this wasn’t normal, we’d have a lot

Who said he didn’t make a few copiesIHaveWatchedAFew90sMovies

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

I send my respects to Allied’s family. I recently lost someone due to cancer. Took him quick, 3 weeks then dead. He refused treatment since it was so advanced.

Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”

If she’s having a positive influence, then Abaddon - The Destroyer of Worlds, is now the President.

Well if you don’t see it then it must not be there.

I still remember how many limitations they had to work on PS2, such as lower draw distances in open world titles while in linear games the levels were usually segmented quite a lot.

I really don’t think people remember how important that HDD was to game performance. The difference in speed and quality between a lot of XB and PS2 games was almost laughable.

But I am a straight, white man, so maybe I am missing something.

Damn, owned

I don’t get how it is cool to call him a gorilla with a TBI but not say that he sucked Putin’s dick.


I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic.

I was picked on a lot as a kid and it was often directed at my somewhat defiant love of GameCube. It really sucked and probably contributed to triggering the depression I came to struggle with for the years following (and now manage). And I gotta say, all the sorrow that came in response for my love of GameCube was

Also KILLER 7, DAMMIT. A game as a postmodern installation that will leave you feeling as if you had partook of several illegal substances at the same time.