Spy Smasher

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Driving with a deliberately obstructed view— the obstruction being the whole other side of the planet.

Glitch in the matrix

Not exactly a new build, but Coors Field is a pretty good deal - comparatively- compared to what’s been going on lately. 0.1% sales tax which was retired after the initial $ for construction was raised. Stadium owned by the Metropolitan Stadium District with the Rockies paying (minimal) rent. Now they just signed a

The two biggest reasons I’m excited for this is because, unlike the other CW shows this is not an “origin story”, and because he’s not a teen-twentysomething coming to terms with his power.

He just had stereotypical fake outrage. Both of them were playing characters and neither seemed like real people.

You are right. They are dumb. Anyone who uses “soft” to deride something is probably a fucking dipshit. And I like Maddon usually.

How nice of that Ford Edge to move forward and finish off the injured parties.

Considering the Mets’ depleted-ass lineup, ‘anonymous players’ may literally be true, i.e. who the fuck is this guy in a Mets uniform talking to me?

The explosion is also a Transformer.

The dog’s leash is also a Transformer. Also, the dog explodes in the third act.

Who is this Mike Brewer guy? Is he the not-funny one that I fast forwarded past to get to more Edd China segments?

But I think Pennywise driving around in Christine in this film is a little over the top.

Say what you will, but that orangutan is a huge improvement in Indy. He surely wouldn’t trade a first for Trent Richardson.

Great to see the devs go with the size alteration concept behind the boom tubes in his finisher... thingy.

So they’re taking the “stop hitting yourself” defense against Dao? Seems legit.

“My name is Werner Brandis. My voice is my pass”-DAMMIT!

You won’t have it on long. Well it depends. I say that mostly cause of HEAT!!!! CONS give off an INSANE amount of heat! So many people around!

Inconsistency in general. Speed, lane integrity etc.

The Javascript programmer in me is upset that somebody put a NaN in the middle of this string.