Spy Smasher

I’m interested in whether this will have a domino effect on other state laws. This will obviously help, to some degree, California schools recruit talent versus schools in states without this law. Will that help be enough to make other schools press their legislatures to enact similar laws? Are schools powerful enough

Does youtube collect demographic information about it’s users? I’d love to know the age, gender, nationality, etc. of the 100 million Pewdiepie subscribers.

This is exactly what I thought about our sitting President.

Why don’t you like Koenigsegg?

Why are people so stupid? 


I quit reading the series when the cast and narrative “focus” had become so bloated that a single, massive volume appeared to cover about three or four days of story time.

That rear overhang is beyond belief.

Hard core.

That Turbo is better-looking.

Can I get it de-badged? I’ll take two.

Stephen A. Smith Does Everything Loudly.

This is the only reason for the world to have a sheikh but it’s a pretty good one.


There is no leather option where “whale penis” is not the right answer.

Wouldn’t fake vents like these actually decrease performance from an aerodynamic perspective?

How about her $300 worth of dollars?

Attach a diesel generator for the full Volkswagon experience.

Not James? Then ... you did, it, didn’t you? You magnificent bastard.

James, presumably.