
Of all the movies that I love from my childhood, this is the one that would be easiest to remaster and still look good. Last I saw it, I remember the practical effects and makeup still holding up very well!

This thing seriously sucks. We Indians funded this piece of junk to the tune of $6 billion and its not even remotely stealth. There are literally metal rivets all over this thing. Its totally useless and has failed the Indian Airforce’s even basic entry requirements. It seriously sucks.

Thats nothing compared the the horror of The mormon cricket.

Umm .. as a long time desert rat .. I can tell you that if you are in the desert there are going to be bugs. I heard a rumor that the organizer was going to move Burning Man to Utah. Peronally, I can’t imagine Neavada’s bugs are worse than those huge locust creatures in Utah and Arizona. Here is a picture of one that

How could you not? It has everything you could want in a movie. A chainsaw dong. Rocket fisting. Inexplicable space flight capabilities.

Yes, that sounds incredibly cool! Until you realize that your awesome high-end processor had to be underclocked because the little tile holding it couldn’t cool it adequately. Or until somebody steals your phone to strip down the parts. Or a year later your buddy buys a new phone that weighs a third of yours and can

I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again? I really want to see Google/Alphabet use this as more than a phone platform. How usefull would it be if you had some adapters to put the Ara modules into different projects. Say I wanted to protect my home so I add a regular video module, maybe a low light or inferred

It’s a brutal, insidious enemy. I wish you and her the best of luck. Hopefully advances like the one in this article will come to fruition and we can have another tool to combat this life stealing scourge.

So if I wanted to do something, but not remember it later, all I have to do beforehand is smoke a little meth, then afterwards pop a pill of blebb. If getting drunk and not remembering is called getting blotto, then doing this should be called blebbo.

The correct answer is "Stop using Facebook."

Ugh. I wish I could get everyone I know onto Diaspora.