
Yeah, but what about all of the space you lose outside of the shower? Chances are, if your shower is that small, then your toilet and other fixtures are directly outside of the shower. No one likes a bothersome shower curtain when they're trying to relax on the commode.

Exactly. This article is so poorly written that I can't imagine what we were supposed to gain from reading it.

To some degree, if you want to call uploading your rootkit package into a bunch of game crack torrents or spreading it through a browser extension exploit with website ads. You've managed to spread this thing, within days, to thousands of systems. Most of these guys don't even do that part, though. They purchased it

Gizmodo could have said THAT the services were being taken down, but not give these turds the gratification of being named.

DDoS isn't hacking, for christs sake, damnit. Don't give these assclown lizard whatevers fat heads. DDoS is exactly > building a botnet > sicking it on something. Hackers call these turds their "DDoS bitch" for when they might want to take something down and don't want to feel all dirty and creepy doing it. Look it up

Perhaps they help with climate control.

If you notice, the part that looks like metal has springs attached to it. If it weren't some sort of flexible material, it wouldn't have those there.

I would imagine that the piston-clad ejaculate recepticale is there for pumping semen out of the vagina, into the anus, and then out of the anus.

If you look at where the springs are location, you will notice that what looks like some sort of metal, is probably something a little more flexible, otherwise it wouldn't need springs there.

A piston-clad self-cleaning ejaculate receptical. Brings a whole new meaning to "breaking ones junk off in that."

"..glitter in the scant light." is what it should have said.

I like them both to a certain extent. What is amazing is our ability to get used to 'just about' anything if exposed to it enough. People that don't watch anime might look at this and not notice a difference. I look at it and see nostalgia versus fresh hope for the future.

When it comes down to really getting into the

I'm totally surprised that there is no mention here of IRC. Flaming/trolling was a HUGE part of the IRC experience back in the day, and what you had to back it up was exploits, and later on DOS and DDOS attacks.

The houses back then were built to much higher standards. They were very solid. Most of your "cookie cutter" crap houses this day in age would crumble. They would literally fall apart. I worked for a while "roughing in" HVAC units in houses, commercial, and industrial areas and I can tell you the way that they slap

Screw your article. We're all reclining. The 4 people sitting in the very back of the plane will just have to die from suffocation. "Makes a backwards pointing thumb gesture.. Let's all recline on 3!"



This would be especially interesting in areas that sport a completely less savoring type of foot traffic at night than it does during the day.

That would be a spectacular driving shoe. Thin tight shoes are good for diagonal clutch/braking and all the switching pedals.

Yeah, I was going to point out the fact that law enforcement, especially the FBI, have been looking up prints on their internal network for over a decade now. The fact remains that new prints made since a certain point in time, probably the mid 1990's were entered into a networked database. The old system since then