
Honestly, after the terrible customer service that I received from Bungie after my Eververse Silver didn’t show up after purchase, I won’t be purchasing any silver from them again. I literally never got any kind of real response from them.

If they want their game to be a service, they need to get their act together.

Hahaha. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I attempted to ignore it by saying it was probably an MMO that came out in 2006 and never had its graphics updated... but even that thought made me giggle.

I dunno. Maybe he’s just trying to work out something in his own mind. I don’t know how many times I’ve questioned my love of something. Evaluating your life and the things you spend time doing is just something you do from time to time. I have a feeling he’s doing the same. I have a hunch that he’ll come out the

Who is number 12?

Agreeing with you. I had to hug my 5-year-old son after reading this article. I can't deal with this kind of thing any more. I'm glad it exists, but I don't think I can handle it.

Thank goodness. The March releases have been terrible.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this.

Since I am awake, and I just ate some meat, I would say that I am, indeed, a conscious carnivore.

Thank you for publishing this counter. I've been freelancing for four years, and I love every second of it, and the last article really reeked of entitlement or a misunderstanding of the culture that comes along with being freelance.

Awesome. Thanks for sharing this with me.

The Gawker sites have been really bad with basic grammar errors lately. I saw they hired some new editors; I hope that fixes the problem. It's getting to the point where I'm just getting angry about it.

I tend to have a RPG night every two weeks or so, but I have two kids and a really good freelance job. Sometimes schedules just get messed up to the point where we can't play. It sucks. Tabletop gaming is really more accessible than it has ever been.

I love tabletop gaming. I just wish I had more people to play these types of games with. I think that is why Video Gaming is still a deal with me. I would happily drop my consoles if I had more people with whom to play tabletop games.

I don't normally do this, but I've seen "past-time" used twice on the site.
"Pastime" is the word that should be used.


Good and funny message from game. I love when developers leave messages like this.

It's cool. I work as an editor, and I know you can't always catch everything. I'm sure you're under pretty heavy time constraints.

The Lost paragraph had "We got to see Jack come over to something like Jack's point of view, but we didn't get to see the two of them talk about it."

Pretty sure they meant Jack was coming over to Locke's point of view.

Eh. I'm a Christian and have been baptized; however, I can generally easily separate the virtual from the actual. I found the baptism scene to be an interesting story device. It showed the player that Booker was willing to lie (and, obviously, do other terrible things to accomplish his goal.

I was going to point this out, too. Yeesh.