
Honestly, after the terrible customer service that I received from Bungie after my Eververse Silver didn’t show up after purchase, I won’t be purchasing any silver from them again. I literally never got any kind of real response from them.

If they want their game to be a service, they need to get their act together.

Agreeing with you. I had to hug my 5-year-old son after reading this article. I can't deal with this kind of thing any more. I'm glad it exists, but I don't think I can handle it.

Thank goodness. The March releases have been terrible.

Thank you for publishing this counter. I've been freelancing for four years, and I love every second of it, and the last article really reeked of entitlement or a misunderstanding of the culture that comes along with being freelance.

Awesome. Thanks for sharing this with me.

The Gawker sites have been really bad with basic grammar errors lately. I saw they hired some new editors; I hope that fixes the problem. It's getting to the point where I'm just getting angry about it.

I tend to have a RPG night every two weeks or so, but I have two kids and a really good freelance job. Sometimes schedules just get messed up to the point where we can't play. It sucks. Tabletop gaming is really more accessible than it has ever been.

I love tabletop gaming. I just wish I had more people to play these types of games with. I think that is why Video Gaming is still a deal with me. I would happily drop my consoles if I had more people with whom to play tabletop games.

I don't normally do this, but I've seen "past-time" used twice on the site.
"Pastime" is the word that should be used.


Good and funny message from game. I love when developers leave messages like this.

Eh. I'm a Christian and have been baptized; however, I can generally easily separate the virtual from the actual. I found the baptism scene to be an interesting story device. It showed the player that Booker was willing to lie (and, obviously, do other terrible things to accomplish his goal.

I was going to point this out, too. Yeesh.