
Best glands in baseball.

And that's not even mentioning all the financial security that comes with the pot of gold.

What Anita is saying in this video is that, no matter what, games have a message, and that message should be as well-intentioned as it can be.

Let me translate for you. "Ed Sheeran didn't like something I said/did [note: for totally b.s. reasons] and it made me feel bad. Terry Richardson gave me nothing but praise [note: because he's a predatory pervert] and it made me feel good!"

I sincerely doubt either stance has much to do with her beliefs about

How to make women feel safer? By actually making women safer. Which means by prosecuting the living fuck out of guys who prey on us — meaning many more men than most guys are comfortable prosecuting — and making it stick.

It's actually pretty simple if you have the stones to do it.

Fajitas are a TexMex cuisine, yes, I know that. But please let's not act that "fajita" is the first food you think of when you think of Texas food. COME ON, Y'ALL. If this was Rick Perry, that subhead would read "We'll need more barbecue." Just please. I know everybody wants to share how much they know about fajitas

By adamantly refusing to take a stance, then, Thought Catalog's editors are, in fact, taking a stance on the side of the hateful bigots whose opinions they validate with the "publish" button. And they can get away with profiting from violent hate speech as long as they pretend to be completely value-neutral.

Couldn't this just be about following celebrity culture in general? A lot of the people I know who are into celeb culture to the point where they follow the progress of someone's "bump" and "recovery" are unhappy in their own lives. Instead of trying to make a change, or putting effort into meeting people & being part

Yeah, but books don't make the bootyz drop.

He sounds like Marvin Zindler, you Houston people know who I'm talking about.

Good points. Especially interesting the amount of different influences re: Elvis (as I said, I don't know much about him). Just gonna further ruminate and explore some ideas on this theme :)

I understand what is meant by, "you have no culture of your own". In terms of, white people who have lived in Paramus, New Jersey for 3 generations do not have any traditions that include traditional dress, ceremonies, etc. I would go ahead and agree with that sentiment. I would also agree with the sentiment that my

The fact that she ran away from him as soon as possible and went to the police to say she'd been raped kinda makes it seem like rape to me...

Maybe I'm just a bad liberal on this, but "cultural appropriation" criticisms are typically bullshit. Why can't someone be inspired by other cultures and use it to influence their own art?

Love a good billboard vandal...

When a hoard of Jezzies descends upon you to tell you how wrong you are (which is quite a lot, btw), you better end up thinking, "I shouldn't have provoked them. I brought this upon myself."

I was thinking the same thing. He keeps saying it was misconstrued and poorly-articulated, but as far as I heard, he didn't really specify how what he was initially trying to say was different from "women should stop doing things that get them beaten."

The only thing I learn from these Jezebel articles about Twitter is that no one should be on Twitter because Twitter is dumb, enables people to be dumb, and spreads the stupidity like a virus.

so I work for a boudoir studio. When we have permission, we post pictures of our shots of all kinds of women (none of them are nude). Guess which ones are rejected or tagged as inappropriate?

Here is your mistake: you are assuming that women who are afraid and give a fake number do this to EVERY guy with no reason. That is not true — there are red flags.