
If you wonder why it can be hard to get allies to a movement, this is why. Nobody is claiming it's only believable when white people say something. #Crimingwhilewhite is a fleeting, disposable hashtag that will have no lasting effects on racism one way or the other. It certainly won't have any negative long-term

There are usually about 5 posts anticipating them for every 1 that actually shows up.

This is a no-win for her. She would have gotten in trouble for commenting on Eric Garner.

Or at least the type of rapist that Cosby is anyway. Unfortunately, it looks like research is heading towards an answer that's pretty complicated, with several personality types and different motives.

TPD and FSU did everything they could to bury this case. It only came back up when a Tampa reporter took it up eight months later.

Women are way, way more likely to be able to afford divorce now than in the 70's and 80's. It's not really that close. That includes during the recession.

No, the problem was that he was a psychopath. They always have an excuse they think is justified. Misogyny is everywhere but 99.99999% of misogynists don't go on shooting rampages. Mass shooters have a variety of "reasons" and different types of psychological profiles. There's no causation between misogyny and mass

His son went to a private school run by Quakers, who greeted each other with "Hello, Friend". It stuck with his son Ennis and became the name of Cosby's foundation after Ennis was killed.

The combination of breathy tenor voices and autotune has made me insane. Yodeling is the best way to describe it. Thanks!

There is still the option to not post on twitter as well. If you start getting your feelings hurt on social media for any reason, it's best to just stop using it. It's just social media, not real life.

I do and I'm old. Boobies is fun to say. Boobies!

While I'm sympathetic for what you had to go through, I honestly don't think academic settings are as easy for white men as you're making them out to be.

For some reason, we're supposed to ignore the death threats and vitriol aimed at conservatives...I guess because they're "wrong"?

Nah, it's fuckin' smart advertising, homey.

That's propaganda, not a fact. Defensive uses outweigh gun murders, suicides, and accidental shootings every year. Even the lowest studies find that.

Who is the POC? Kim Kardashian is half-Armenian and half WASP.

Why would they have to photoshop KK's butt when she already used injections to make it disproportionate?

To be fair, the writer didn't explicity state that she was talking about getting butt enhancements. It's pretty apparent if you're not going in looking to be mad.

Also, Tosh.0 fans and conservatives are two vastly different groups. At some point are people going to stop pretending that misogyny is reserved for the right side of the aisle? How many more otherwise-liberal gamergaters do we need to stop pretending that? It happens on every other article.

It's 100% sexism. Everything that's reality suggests it should be them who can drink and the frats that are dry.