
No, it started in San Francisco as a protest against porn a few years prior.

Art is not politics. Amy is a sociopath that doesn't represent all women in any way, shape, or form. Similarly, Nick is a misogynistic abuser that doesn't represent all men. The fact that Amy uses true statements to explain away being a psychopath just means she's a more complicated, interesting killer than if she

But you're missing that a guy is in critical condition after being beaten at the Angels game three days ago.

While it's obviously not science, how do you feel about the use of questionable sociological studies as the basis for cultural theories? Specifically since we're on Jezebel, are you disappointed in the methodology of the research that forms the basis of most modern feminist theories (microaggressions, the effects of

Me too. If anyone can watch the episode of her show about abortion and still think she's just being cutesy and offensive, I can't help them. She is incredibly subversive and very brave in how often she makes herself the villain.

It's the other way around. Women will go to male oriented movies. Men may or may not show up for female oriented movies. Men are less reliable movie consumers in general. Obviously, a big part of that is that men have more choices.

The problem is that women are better film consumers than guys. Women are more willing to see all kinds of movies, whereas guys don't always show up for "chick flicks".

The problem is the same that religions face. The fundamentalists speak more often, more loudly, and more angrily. They are better copy for the media.

She went 0 for 2 today, IMO. Luckily, I am quite the advice columnist myself!

But it won't. The Lege is still GOP, and there's no chance of us taking back over either house anytime soon.

I read recently that 20% of online reviews are fake, and about a third of product reviews are.

It's actually a really easy answer.

Even worse, this scandal will increase the number of views he gets.

The problem is that Eric got caught in the same zero tolerance policies that are meant to protect kids from bullies and violence. Zero tolerance means no tolerance for the good kids either.

Having and re-using plastic bags is better for the environment anyway. Paper and especially canvas bags take way more energy to manufacture and ship than plastic ones. You have to use a paper bag something like 10 times and a canvas one over 70 before you're saving energy over a plastic bag reused once. It's a well

RAINN has lost popularity with some feminists lately because they wrote a letter to the White House asking them not to focus on "rape culture" to prevent sexual assaults on campus.

No, the point is "Ha ha, Stewie is so messed up". There isn't a joke if we don't acknowledge that Stewie was way out of line, so it's not saying "haha, rape is something idiots prank call about." It's saying "Only someone really messed up would prank call about a rape."

No, the point is "Ha ha, Stewie is so messed up". There isn't a joke if we don't acknowledge that Stewie was way out of line, so it's not saying "haha, rape is something idiots prank call about." It's saying "Only someone really messed up would prank call about a rape."

A good litmus test- if you think somebody at Jezebel agrees with Rush Limbaugh, you're probably overreacting.

You think you're shocked now...the appeal it upheld was a guy taking pictures of children in swimsuits.