
Yes. What about the menz? Deadspin, a Gawker site, consistenly posts pictures of athlete's dongs without their consent. It's actually one of the things that got their readership up. They use anonymous sources unless the person is willing to go public.

It's okay though. Those people get called out and receive all kinds of threats. Because they deserve it for having a stupid opinion, I guess.

True, but LOL at all the women on jezebel who were GLEEFUL to talk about Idris Elba's bulge a day or two before the leaked celebrity pictures as well.

Then again, tourists never have any idea of how stupid they are.

What bothers me about Kim Kardashian is that none of it seems faked. She seems like the type of person who convinces herself that anything she says is true. And I think she genuinely gets hurt by people criticizing her, even as she plays it up for publicity.

No, it's definitely not going to change. Mirrors are a tool of the patriarchy, therefore self-reflection is evil.

"I can't pretend I know the best strategy for confronting ISIS"

Also, you get to file it under Celebrity Dong, advertising to anyone else with celebrity photos to send them in to you.

And yet, that's the reason this article is here. If a GOP Senator had called out Obama for being too cautious, I guarantee this article would have been about how we should exercise caution.

At least Idris Elba didn't deserve it like Jon Hamm, who was flaunting his dick for the paparazzi.

I have a couple of problems with this article.

Parody by direct quote. Gawker Media has gotten to Sarah Palin levels of lacking self awareness.

TL,DR- Women's hormones make them crazy!

You do care. You don't like that being gay got him special attention.

Definitely not.

You might want to double check the dress codes in Massachusetts. I know my nephew can't have hair below the collar up there in the great state o' freedom.

Sad that he has to say it. Glad that he did. Sad that a guy saying it will get more people listening. Glad that they finally will.

Boys using a pod where they can close the hatch...bed bugs may be the best case scenario.

Things are going to get pretty rough by the time you get to "chum".

Yeah, this dude needs to up his game. You don't ask if a woman want's to cuddle like some creep. You say