You know, I'm not sure. Sorry.
You know, I'm not sure. Sorry.
Man, you're terrible at cousin fucking. You didn't even get to first base!
There are two problems with the study that make it useless.
It's always a big issue in the small towns because people want to donate meat after hunting, but most shelters are too scared there will be issues.
Yes, and it's a 3% real difference, not 23%. 16% to 13%. That's within the margin of error. The study is essentially worthless other than as a political tool.
They also get Pell Grants and other grants.
I also like that he doesn't understand his own argument. He was talking about how he has to adapt to limits on his speech.
Yes, we usually know the full interaction. The person who put this story online and promoted it didn't put what she said to him, though his rude comments included him saying he was responding to rude comments.
"...Posted a horrifying series of attacks directed at people who questioned his use of the hashtag #Thinspiration on a photo."
That was my first thought too. She's basically a minstrel show.
Great. Let me know when the amendment is suggested.
I think it's inevitable when everyone is under 25. They get famous and become the life of the party (and tabloid fixtures) but have to be up at 6am and spend all day sitting around waiting to act.
Someone should tell her about this app called a watch. She might still have a career if she'd downloaded one of those instead of holding up productions for hours.
I hear you. One thing- we don't really walk around fearing guns. We say things like that, but when you're walking down the street, you don't think about guns at all or anything. Late at night, you're just generally concerned, not specifically thinking about guns. Once in a while, you'll be at a theater or mall and…
It's true. Gun deaths are related to high density centers and economics. There's no correlation either between gun control laws in states or in the number of guns owned by a person. The overall trend during the loosening of gun control laws the last 20 years is fewer people owning more guns per person.
We've had a similar reduction in tiger attacks over that same time period. This has all homicides, but gun homicides stay about the same rate of murders in the US. I used this because it was the only chart in google images that went back to 1900. Right before the big drop is when Australia also saw one.
If only 150 miles was the longest drive. Already, if you're in the panhandle (Lubbock, Amarillo...close to half a million people between them), you have to travel 300 miles.
That's what he was asking for from Jezebel.
Yeah. Or anything to change the theme instead of canceling a charity run. How about "hey, forget the sexy schoolgirl thing. Just run for charity."
Exactly. They should ban tigers, like Chicago and DC did. Well, their tiger attacks went up, but still. It's a lot better than the rest of the country that kept making tigers more available. Sure, tiger attacks have gone down a ton over that time, but that's not the point. Sure, the tiger control lobby can be just as…