
Actually, with 1/5th of women being more attracted to a guy based on his car, and 37% dismissively body shaming a guy based on his car, I think you're being a little too kind to the women who took the survey. Get it together, ladies!

I thought so too. To start, they found out that women didn't find something attractive. That doesn't mean they naturally find the opposite to be attractive. Since guys aren't expected to try and be sexy, it seems weird when they do.

It's your sole job for the day.

You're misinterpreting my detached amusement as outrage. I don't really care about this picture. I'm just pointing out that Gawker Media vacillates between outrage, amusement, and support when it comes to the issue of candid photographers.

No, I'm not. I just look great in glasses.

Gawker media's rules for privacy:

Oh, is that what I did? Thanks for explaining it t me.

Especially since the largest grouping of atheists has been in East Asia for decades. Globally, atheism has fallen due to the Communist countries either faltering or backing off their anti-religious laws.

Thank goodness there are people here to femsplain it to everyone.

I'm horrified. Who hangs upside down on a shower curtain rod? You're going to die!


Even in the media, it's been reported that she's fielding a ton of offers, including one high profile franchise. Supposedly, she's also setting up a production house when she signs up for her next role too.

I know...people misuse the 1st Amendment all the time. This is the rare time when it actually fits, and yet you're still not allowed to mention it?

I feel like this review of the show is missing one thing...is the show itself any good? It sounds like the plot developments you've inferred fits within the narrow limits of what you'll accept from a TV show about this theme, but we don't know if it's actually funny...or if it's meant to be funny. Or if the actors do

Has it been determined that people of color are the ones complaining rather than white people?

Which is true. But what she was asked was specific to directors harassing. It's probably more likely that she was suggesting the one scenario doesn't happen often rather than suggesting all women who are sexual harassed are putting out a vibe.

My reply was to:

Your point was that if one person isn't in condition to consent, there is a rape.

That's actually a step too far. If you are in no condition to make an informed decision and were taken advantage of, you were raped. But being in that condition doesn't automatically mean you were taken advantage of.