
As well as "amirite"?

Kulap might be the most likeable person ever. Plus she's married to Scott Aukerman. They need to invite me over to a dinner party.

She's always great. Best actor under 30 out there. Nobody can hold the screen like her.

Kinja will only let me recommend your post once, but I'd like to recommend it 100 times.

Thank God you were able to make this the Romneys' fault. So they adopted a baby but purposefully named him black because they're so insensitive? Really? It's not that they named him after St. Kiernan or had the name picked out for a boy before they adopted, or that they had planned to name their daughter Kiernan if

She doesn't make sense. She admired the partiers of the 90's, but found her peers were botoxed idiots instead. Yet she retired because she didn't want to party anymore and they wouldn't accept it.

It's anything but basic. I would never watch Duck Dynasty due to Phil Robertson's views. I recommend everyone stop watching Duck Dynasty. That's not a neutral view. I'm 100% against him and the show. Yet I'd be in the group you're labeling as neutral because I'm not willing to go beyond that.

True. Someone I know has a son that put how the auditions work onto facebook. They go through a first audition with production people. Then there is a 2nd audition to decide whether to put them in front of the celebrities. Anyone who is terrible thinks he or she has passed two auditions already, when in fact they were

Plus, today there are so many rescues that you can get a specific breed by adopting...unless you're one of those weird people that just have to know your dog is 100% of some breed.

Except this one took the blame for inciting it, apologized for them using vulgarity, then apologized for not saying "misogyny" instead of vulgarity when the blogger didn't accept the first apology, then wrote an apology on his site where he blamed himself for not thinking it through and told his fans that he can't

No, I'm saying the tone of the articles are different because of the genders. I was as clear as could be about that and haven't wavered from it. You've haven't decided whether there's no difference in tone or whether there's a good reason for a difference in tone.

Yeah, that's crazy. None of those writers are jedi knights, private eyes, or superheroes, but they can create compelling characters who are. If they can't do that with women, they either aren't good enough or aren't trying hard enough.

You just described the difference in tone. One is mocking and horrified and one is mocking and delighted.

This commercial is less gross than Earn the Necklace. There's nothing rapey about it. Note the difference in tone...

The first amendment has nothing to do with it. If the government had censored Phil Robertson, I'd hope everyone here would support him. That right is non-negotiable.

It's not a slippery slope, as no further steps have to be taken to include the scenarios I've suggested. The last jingoistic era was about a decade ago, and one of the reasons we have the Patriot Act and NSA spying is directly due to the recriminations facing people who spoke out against our government at the time.

I didn't get the connection between the two stories, but agree with the point. Earn the Necklace is pretty similar to the reddit PUA threads Jezebel has called out in the past.

Very true, but that right doesn't extend to anyone on TV. The more it's okay for people to get fired due to shitty remarks, the more it will bleed into areas you or I find valuable. Just like it can be used with stupid views, it can be used for things like being anti-war in a very jingoistic era.

I think we should realize that the cause of these bans isn't just puritanism anymore. It's also that school districts will get in trouble with how they teach...just about anything. People could lose their jobs over intelligent discussions of race and sexuality in a classroom.

That's not how deadspin works. Nor is it how sports fan do in general. Nobody hates the FSU fans that are blindly professing innocence than the type of fans generally over at deadspin. Jezebel has been far more problematic than Deadspin about this case.