
I'd say the joke isn't "on" anyone. Absurdity can point back to the speaker, like with Jezelnik, or it can just be facetious like CK's joke. It was a great setup joke for the story he told afterwards, but didn't have much weight underneath it.

Them's the breaks when you punch somebody in the face. There's no off switch in a street fight.

The biggest difference seems to be on the ground. So much is about the hips and men just have a structural advantage there. Plus just the overall hip to shouder ratio makes it so much harder to get and maintain holds.

True, and my answer might have been more obtuse than I intended.

Nope. As Lindy said in her first article about how to tell a rape joke, Louis CK's pass on a joke that clearly made fun of the victim (paraphrased- "rape is wrong, unless someone won't let you fuck them or something") was that he had a history of being on the right side. It was completely made up, but she did back off

That doesn't make the underwear misogynist. It means the underwear can be used by misogynists to reinforce their arguments. In fact, the underwear is being made to help women, and the company behind it is very clear (and it is noted in every article about them) that they in now way think it will stop rape.

What about how the non-religious states and individuals have historically been just as sexist? Or all of the liberal denominations and congregations that fight for women's rights? And the thousands and thousands of religious people who have supported women's issues?

It's completely wrong anyway.

Yeah...he was definitely a brilliant guy, and at least he did realize his mistakes and talk about equality at the end.

There's also a very simple retort that is entirely true- Happy Holidays fits Christmas better.

It was caught having "midnight parades" with Forrest there...that's a euphanism for whipping and beating blacks and white Republicans. A few were thought to have died during these "parades".

Ok, but don't cry. I wouldn't know, but I'm sure makeup is bad for the pores!

Yeah, sometimes it's annoying as a guy because your lashes are so long and thick that they get in the way of seeing.

He's happily married with 4 kids!

How would someone as sexy as Chelsea Peretti know if ugly hurts?

I agree that someone with a quarter acre of land and good soil could probably break even at a farmer's market. The larger it is, the lower the cost is per vegetable. If you'd done a co-op with other farmers around you that have a quarter acre, your costs would be lower too.

You just made my point by saying Lamar Odom is a douche when he is obviously going through some kind of breakdown due to mental problems and drug use.

More power to you, but why would I do that when gardening my own costs more than either the local farmer's market that doesn't allow pesticides or the local grocery that has an entire section devoted to organic, pesticide-free "farm to market" local products?

The way she explained it in the video was that it was tongue in cheek, since she was talking to kids. Instead of saying Santa is portrayed as white, she was saying he's real and he's white. It's the reaction that pretended she didn't understand he's magical. She's specifically winking at the adults who were watching

Agreed, partly because I assume they are supposed to link to Jezebel whenever possible (and GM if they can't), but also because the two links she used couldn't have been worse choices. The fat witch is to an article praising her for wearing it, and the problematic blog has right below that it's point is "everyone is