Sorry...I was just being silly. Didn't mean for it to come off like I was disagreeing with you.
Sorry...I was just being silly. Didn't mean for it to come off like I was disagreeing with you.
If anything, women tend to be the emotionally stable ones in a relationship, and women are less likely than men to make rash decisions about something like voting. It's time men dropped their egos and understood that women can do anything.
Yeah, he sounds like he experiences everything as a movie starring himself.
And shockingly, they didn't ask you to speak for all white people. Weird how that works, huh?
Exactly. Hit them in the wallet, which they've shown they care more about than people. Get rid of any administrators who covered up sexual assault cases too, whether it was their idea or they went along with it. Job pressure is not an excuse. There is no excuse.
You are right. It took place in June.
There was pressure, but it was to bring charges. This was the state attorney's office taking the investigation out of the hands of the local police and conducting the investigation starting a couple weeks ago. The pressure on Megg was to right the wrongs of the TPD.
Average looking or not, she's sexy as all get out.
I'm buying whatever it is Alison Brie is selling. So charming.
Let's not give Oprah a pass. She's does the exact same thing as everyone else but gets praised for getting the interviews instead of criticized. Plus, she brought us Dr Phil.
I think you're on the right track!
I feel bad for shorter guys. I'm tall and big, which causes women to treat me like I'm more manly than someone shorter with a smaller frame. 'Cept I'm not. Hell, I was probably wearing girly lotion half the times they said it (Guys- give girly lotion a try! I don't like cologne, and I just kind of fell into buying…
Well put. Thank you for putting down some facts in the midst of all of this.
There is no doubt athletics have been terrible at times. But is this really a case of athletes getting away with things other students wouldn't? Is there a real issue where it gets swept under the rug more?
The part that is missing from this (and honestly anytime the subject comes up at Jezebel) is that men and women end up working about the same amount of hours when you combine work and home.
But they respect you for it. The problem with upticks and the like is that they are also used as passive aggression. If you make an order sound like a question, the person is going to think it's voluntary. That will cause way more problems than if you were direct. People like to know what is expected of them, and the…
That's an impossible thing to say, but I think it was likely worse because he is a football player. We already know these kinds of cases sometimes sit there unworked. At least this time the parent's lawyer could go to the papers and cause enough stir to get it reactivated. A regular black guy would probably just have…
Don't tell anyone, but I never read LOTR or saw any of the movies. So I have no idea.
That is Gawker's business model. They pay very little per article and demand a ton of articles from the writers. Anytime it's possible, they try to get their like minded readers enraged. If it turns into controversy, even better. They know that it makes their fans even more loyal to have to defend them against…
The dragon had memories. Doug just wrote it so badly that it seemed like he was saying the mountain did.