
I agree with Westmark. The story is all the coach giving quotes about how hard Serena has worked and how she overcame obstacles. Any player that falls to 175 and then comes back and dominates is going to generate stories about the coaches saving him or her.

Kerry Von Erich was a zombie with one foot by then.

Sadly, it might not be that specific. He might just have been one of those detectives that give rape victims a hard time for no good reason. Somehow, those are abundant. I don't for a second think this poor girl was the only file put aside by that same detective. If someone is willing to sweep rape under the rug for

We're not. We're teaching people that beauty is individual, not confined to specific rules governing all. You seem to think that your standards are everyone else's secret standards, but they aren't.

It's really easy to train dogs to leave food alone. It's the "leave it" command. Most dogs can learn it right away if you use treats to teach it. It's a good command because it also keeps them from swallowing anything that could kill them (like if you spill prescription pills in front of it).

Your anecdotal evidence is interesting but not enough to call bull and shit on a study.

We can't tell people things like that. 12 clinics were closed. There is danger that more could close if they stop bringing in revenue.

"I love me some sharply observed self-deprecating humor almost as much as I love fresh comedic perspectives from underrepresented demographics."

No fighter ever has to fight, period. If you're a UFC fan, you should have taken that lesson to heart already.

I appreciate the personal experience. My opinion on PETA and the program hasn't changed. If PETA wants to take on the responsibility, then they also have to make the program fit their supposed beliefs.

Sorry. Not good enough. They killed 30,000 animals, and the reports are that most of them were simply left on the doorstep, not as the result of calls. PETA always lies over and over, and nothing they say can be believed. Have they ever put out a paper on something like factory farming that wasn't pure bullshit

If I had a nickel for everytime a girlfriend or my ex would wake up seething at me for a dream, I'd have a really fun day at the nickel store.

Great to see Vandy students standing up for themselves, and alumni like you backing them. I think it's safe to say that anyone who isn't insane is rooting for you guys. And I hope students at other universities do the same.

Exactly. The audiences are the exact reason why it's so hard for women to make it in standup. And then, once they get to where they are good, suddenly there's all kind of rules of what women can and can't talk about. There used to be an unwritten rule of not having two women in a row in showcases.

As noted in grey below, The Colbert Report hires using blind packets. They don't know anything about the writer before they decide whether the writing is good enough for the show. Most comedy shows work that way and some dramas.

This is gonna be awesome! His standup on the showcase show he had was the best part by far.

I'm curious, because no one who hates Tosh has ever talked to me about this.....once the story finally filtered in from everyone else who was there, everyone backed the owners account.

There are tons of cities doing great things with no kill shelters. Most can't make every shelter one, but they do everything they can to allow animals to survive.

He's right. Men get longer sentences for the same crime. Women of color get longer sentences than white women.

Everyone should put both lids down BEFORE they flush. Tiny microbes of poop water fly everywhere when a toilet is flushed. Let the lid take the brunt of it, not your toothbrush!