
Sorry, I should have been more clear. Smoke is incidious, and the smoke carries. What I meant wasn't the smell, but if there's enough irritants to cause breathing problems. That's usually in the ducts (or the carpet and walls if they haven't been refreshed).

Has cigarette smoke from another unit ever triggered an asthma attack in you? I ask because between wall insulation, heating and AC, and natural air patterns, there shouldn't be enough to trigger an allergy in a multiple unit. There are usually far more irritants in your unit's heat/ac ducts and fireplace (if you have

Longer sentencing does lower crime overall, just through fewer people being out on the streets. But if you meant that it doesn't prevent other people from committing the same crime, I agree.

If you ever want a treat, get high and watch Beck.

At least this is a rare tentpole movie with a heroine. The more merchandising money they make, the more copycats will be made.

I think part of the reason feminists get criticized a lot is actually positive. Despite any issues with the label, feminism is a strong movement. The stronger movements have more power but that means they go on the enemies list for the other side.

That seems like the hurdle. It's pretty clear that sexuality is a spectrum, and it's been over 50 years since Kinsey first started people researching into the subject. But everyone loves labels and shorthand.

How many Jezebelles does it take to change a lightbulb?

It should be pointed out that 616 isn't entirely clear either. Some Greek sects have thought it was 616, and in the past couple of years a research team thought they broke the manuscript's code, backing up 616.


I think I completely get what you're trying to say, and I agree on the overall point. It's something that has bothered me about this site and other liberal sites as well. The easiest way to put it is that white liberals don't concern themselves with whether minority groups are really offended or not. They decide the

Exactly. SNL is the one missing out by not hiring black women. Regardless of what has always caused SNL to be a white guy's club, it means the show isn't as funny and doesn't have as many different types of comedic voices as they could.

Not to mention...even if you think she was "asking for it", why does that mean they don't have to prosecute a rape? It's still a rape if she's "asking for it".

Not only did this thing happen in the past, but it was a common occurrence with street gangs.

I don't see a problem with the line. It encapsulated the point and was a clear description. Whether or not Lindy is right, the line itself wasn't going too far.

Problem with this argument is that it's in the comment section of an article about Nick Folke mentioning Cooper. There's nothing particularly newsworthy about what Folke said or in Peter King being an NFL shill. You're exceeding the minimum amount of coverage even while claiming you're not.

That's another unfair advantage guys get. We love being treated like a piece of meat. When it doesn't happen all the time and you feel in control, it's really fun. I'd love to be catcalled by women on my way to work. That would be awesome.

If you go to "must read piece", it has a bunch of links to studies and other articles. One commenter CP'ed the correlation you're talking about...I'm not sure if it's ok to cut and paste another commenter's cut and paste job...

There's also a third factor, which is the largest group of people- the bystanders. The alumni have to be notified of the situation, if for no other reason than to warn potential alumni victims. They should be asked to help create a safe environment for everyone, with an outline of steps the school is taking to ensure

Well put. Everything she says is really her saying "how about this on a T-shirt?"