
Screw you, Flash, and your battery-sucking resource-hogging ways.

Do they make one for your nuts?

Golden ratio or not, Twitter is still stupid.

ProHDR isn't free.

When 3D technology allows you to focus on any object in the frame, then it will be worthy of my money. Otherwise, knock it off.

I'm still wondering why they felt they had to remove nearly all functionality from Remote in the first place during the last makeover. They made it useless. It's about time they put back the controls they took away before.

Not surprisingly, crime rates are highest in the blue and orange areas. Just compare the shapes of those areas with the maps available at [spotcrime.com]

"Failure". Please talk gooder.

Bird in the radiator?

And you won't get your pantleg or shoestring caught in that. Or maybe you can. Can't tell from the photos.

@Buzz Mega: Electric pancake! There's nothing like the smell of maple syrup and ozone in the morning.

Who cares? Twitter sucks. John Mayer sucks. Get a life.

@crinklesmith: See, "fail" is a verb. The noun you're groping for is "failure".

Meteor shit!

Let's get back to using the noun "failure", not the verb "fail", and stop sounding moronic.

More like the need for dick.

Heh, losers.

@eyeroll: Why don't you go pop some kids' balloons.