
@BaconSandwich: Thanks. And from there you can right-click each image and choose Download Linked File to get the full-size image. Bitchin'!

Yay for the cute girls. I'll take three, please. Don't wanna be greedy.

@ssspinball: There are other ways to improve gas mileage. And you can still have crumple zones while providing non-dainty body panels that don't tremble at the sight of an ass.

@SpudMills: Er, I'm not suck of it. I'm sick of it.

When is Jalopnik and/or Gawker Media going to make a better damned gallery? I'm so suck of opening and closing images just to see larger sizes. Prev/Next buttons should be in every gallery implementation, no matter what size image the user is currently viewing. Please? C'mon! And easier ability to grab the image

Old cars had wing vents and floor vents. Detroit fucked up big time when it stopped including those.

@Ben Wojdyla: I wanted to buy those, until I realized I'd never use them.

Please stop. Smashing the car that sported the best ass in the world is just sick.

@MinnZ: After living in Iowa most of my life and then the Twin Cities since '95, I would agree. Iowa Citians drive like shit compared to people here. Everyone has to be one more car ahead of the next guy, and they have to get there quickly. It's like a bunch of NASCAR idiots, but without the sponsors. At least some

What about the people who have important appointments downtown that will affect the rest of their life? What about the parents who had to rush to day care because their child is sick? None of them will be able to park because these hippy art fags think they're smarter than everyone else. It's not art. It's stupidity.

@ImpeachHim: Or, he's just a fat blowhard with nothing interesting or truthful to say. I'll go with that.

My vague picks:

@airsix73: Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. The 914 is cool in my book.

Goddamnit. Can't edit a post that has an image? How lame.

OK, it ain't a roadster because of the 2-seat rule, but what the hell. It's still my favorite topless car.

Just about any rat rod.

Yeah, AC Cobras are just sooo good lookin'.

If you did this same thing with a Steve Balmer presentation, the repeated words would be "oonga", "ooo ooo ooo", "meat", "bleguahgha", "mine!", and "what else can we steal".